First, this is an amazing module. I just can't describe how happy I am to see this working. Are you planning to support Panel Nodes? I've tested it and tried to export a panel node and only the standard fields are exported. Would this be possible?



zroger’s picture

Version: » 6.x-1.x-dev

I don't have any immediate plans to implement panel nodes, but in case you want to give it a try, here's the necessary info. For an example of these hooks, take a look at uuid_features/includes/modules/

There are 3 hooks exposed by the uuid_node component for adding to the exported node.

hook_uuid_node_features_export_alter(&$export, &$pipe, $node)
Called from hook_features_export(), allows modules to modify the export and pipe arrays. Generally this is only necessary if you need to add dependencies (modules) or chain together features using the $pipe array.

hook_uuid_node_features_export_render_alter(&$export, $node, $module)
Called from hook_features_export_render. $export is the node as it will be exported. $node is the fully loaded node object. Modify $export to contain the minimal amount of data necessary for a node save. Bonus: if you export the node in the form expected by node_save() then you don't need to implement the next hook.

hook_uuid_node_features_rebuild_alter(&$node, $module)
Called right before node_save() from hook_features_rebuild. Last chance to modify the node before node_save().

lelizondo’s picture

I'll give it a try and report back. Thanks.

DamienMcKenna’s picture

lelizondo’s picture

This definitely helps because now the whole node object is loaded. Honestly, I haven't had time to check this out, but looking through the panels tables I see two joins

SELECT n.nid, pn.did FROM node n INNER JOIN panels_node pn ON n.nid = pn.nid INNER JOIN panels_display pd ON pn.did = pd.did;

I don't even know if being did an int would represent a problem to make this feature request

ezra-g’s picture

Title: Panel Node Support » UUID Node Support
Project: UUID Features Integration » Panels
Version: 6.x-1.x-dev » 6.x-3.x-dev

merlinofchaos has expressed interest in making this possible, and having support built into Panels would make it possible to include default content in an exported Feature without having to alter the export.

This would be great for the Conference Organizing Distribution, where we'd like to ship with default content in a Panels homepage :).

wizonesolutions’s picture

Version: 6.x-3.x-dev » 7.x-3.x-dev
Issue summary: View changes

This would still be interesting. Just updating the version since I'm fairly sure it wouldn't happen in 6.x-3.x-dev anymore.

pedrosp’s picture

So as far as I understand, there is no actual way to link an existing node with his UUID instead of his NID, right ?
I am using latest dev version from panels and UUID features, but no luck at all.

There was once a sandbox project related but empty now.

Any tips you guys about how to link node content through UUID in panels ?

inversed’s picture

For what it's worth, you can still access the Hydra Sandbox UUID Panel Node project from the Git repo by accessing the 7.x-1.x branch instead of the master branch.

To get there, from the Sandbox page:

  1. click View all commits
  2. click a commit link
  3. click on the summary tab
  4. Use the Clone link specified and pull from the 7.x-1.x branch

I'm not sure what happened here to result in emptying the master branch and, effectively, pulling the project for many people.

DamienMcKenna’s picture

Panel Nodes is a deprecated module, I don't see any reason to continue this work?