Using Drupal version 6, Content Profile version 6.x-1.0. My question is about what to expect with this module, if one creates a new profile for someone who is not an existing (Drupal-authenticated) user. (The readme is silent about the intent here.) I would naively expect this to work, so am reporting it as a bug report.

In our case we see that a profile created in this way can *not* be created by someone else, but can be created 'by anonymous'. If the creator is an actual member on the site, they get the error message "This user already has a content profile of this type. You can only create on profile per user."

If the author entered in the 'Authoring information' -> 'Authored by' is blank, then the node is created, but the creator is shown as 'anonymous-#', and subsequent edits can only be done while maintaining the same creator. This seems opaque, as far as provenance goes, and looks funny when profiles are displayed.

I saw at least one comment to another issue ( that suggests normal behavior is for the creator to be always the same as the profiled user. This seems to be a fundamental issue, perhaps behind issues like #425144, #598212, and #697856. If that really is the intent, I propose changing this to a feature request.


mandclu’s picture


I can see a use where it might be necessary to create the profile, and then later attach them to users.

sponsch’s picture

Title: creating profiles without creating new users » Subscribing

I agree with #1