user_alert 7.x-1.9

Bug fixes

Maintenance update. Contains fixes for the following issues:

user_alert 7.x-1.8

Bug fixes

Contains fixes noted in #1238862: Module does not show alerts in certain themes. All reported themes, sans Analytic, now display the User Alert.

The block id is no longer hard coded in the JS file, which was preventing content population and box closing when used in Panels or various themes that assign ID differently.

user_alert 7.x-1.6

Bug fixes

Fixed #1238862: Module does not show alerts in certain themes where certain themes use section tag instead of a div to render blocks, which broke AJAX calls to fill user alert block content.

Clear the css+js cache after this update.

user_alert 7.x-1.5

Bug fixes
  • Fixing paths of user alert to be under config instead of settings (leftover D6 code)
  • Removed 'und' from preprocess function and used $vars['node']->language instead
  • Changed description slightly in hook_node_info.

Clear your menu cache after this update.

user_alert 7.x-1.4

New features
Bug fixes

Adds fixes for #1405998: Support Drupal setting 'Cache pages for anonymous users'. Anonymous page caching should no longer interfere with closing alerts.

AJAX callbacks have been changed to deliver via ajax_deliver, and the paths have changed to js/.. instead of admin/..

Clear the cache after installing this update.

user_alert 7.x-1.3

Bug fixes

This is the release that contains the fix for removing UUID as a dependency. My bad.

user_alert 7.x-1.0

New features

First stable release of Drupal 7 port, no bugs reported so far, getting initial release out there.

user_alert 7.x-1.x-dev

Currently in development. Not all features are functional yet. Please report all bugs.

user_alert 6.x-1.x-dev

Bug fixes

Development release.

Made the User Alert block utilize AJAX to work on sites using block caching. Boost support forthcoming. Extended setcookie to use the server name if cookie domain is not defined in settings.php.

user_alert 6.x-1.2

Bug fixes

#894324: Not all permissions show up in permissions admin screen - Added granular CRUD permissions

Added 15 minute, 30 minute, 45 minute timed display option.

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