Testing for making a visual dependencies graph I ran into a circular dependency.

dependencies[] = field_sql_storage

dependencies[] = field

Removing the dependency of field.info to field_sql_storage would make my pain go away but there is a subtlety here.

_module_build_dependencies does not report back the circular dependencies. Either drupal_parse_dependency or drupal_depth_first_search is buggy by subtle removal of this circularity.

I'll try to investigate this further.


Damien Tournoud’s picture

This is by design. When passed a non-DAG, the order that is returned by drupal_depth_first_search() is not the topological order (which doesn't exist), but something "close enough" for our purpose.

We should remove the dependency of the field module on the field_sql_storage module. But there is a small twist: we might need to add the later to the list of modules automatically installed by our installation profiles.

clemens.tolboom’s picture

Hmmm ... the documentation does not state anything about the result of a call to

 * Perform a depth first sort on a directed acyclic graph.
.... */
function drupal_depth_first_search 


Note: passing in a non-DAG will produce unexpected results


And how to we solve #1's we might need to add the later to the list of modules automatically installed by our installation profiles

LaurentAjdnik’s picture


yched’s picture

See also #893880-6: Field_sql_storage.install uses field crud api files without them being included, which has a patch to remove the circular dependency.

marco71’s picture


Advocat’s picture


clemens.tolboom’s picture

Assigned: clemens.tolboom » Unassigned

@Advocat why are you subscribing? Have you ran into trouble?

Advocat’s picture

clemens.tolboom’s picture

@Advocat : It would help to make a summary of that post here as a comment.

You could also try to install http://drupal.org/project/graphapi to get a graphical representation of the modules as a whole. (Not sure whether it helps)

If you can list 'Steps to reproduce' I will try to follow those to test myself.

Advocat’s picture

Summary: On a social networking site I'm building, I attempted to disable all modules.

After disabling all active (black checkmarked) modules and saving, there are a number which remain grey-out, making it impossible to disable them.. Research suggests there is a file field dependency issue, but it's impossible for me to determine which is the base cause.

I did check the field_config table, as some forum entries suggested. There were 30 items there, all using Field SQL Storage as the storage type and module. The database listed module which implements the field type echoes (in part) the modules which cannot be disabled ; I've marked those below with an asterisk ( * )

Present core is 7.14

Modules which cannot be disabled:

Chaos tools
Entity API
Entity reference *
Field SQL storage
File *
Image *
List *
Organic Groups *
Taxonomy *
Text *

I uploaded graphapi as suggested, but I can see no obvious revelations -- and admittedly, this is the first time I've worked with graphapi -- with the exception of:

  1. There is a sole circular dependency between Field and Field_SQL_Storage modules, and
  2. All the above-listed modules are tightly interwoven in dependencies
  3. It appears that all locked modules are in a chain: either dependent directly on Field. Or on the Text / Options / List / File modules (dependent on Field). Or on Organic Groups (OG is dependent on Text, Options, List) or on a module which is dependent on OG.
clemens.tolboom’s picture

I did the following with Drupal 7 head (7.16-dev)

drush --yes @drupal.d7 sql-drop
drush --yes @drupal.d7 site-install
drush --yes @drupal.d7 dl ctools entity entity_reference og
drush --yes @drupal.d7 en og
drush @drupal.d7 uli
drush @drupal.d7 pml --pipe --status=enabled

Next trying to disable field which should not work

drush @drupal.d7 pm-disable field


text is a required module and can't be disabled. Reason: Field type(s) in use - see Field list [ok]
field_sql_storage is a required module and can't be disabled. [ok]
field is a required module and can't be disabled. [ok]
image is a required module and can't be disabled. Reason: Field type(s) in use - see Field list [ok]
og is a required module and can't be disabled. Reason: Field type(s) in use - see Field list [ok]
taxonomy is a required module and can't be disabled. Reason: Field type(s) in use - see Field list [ok]
The following extensions will be disabled: options, comment, file, field_ui, list, number
Do you really want to continue? (y/n): y
comment was disabled successfully. [ok]
field_ui was disabled successfully. [ok]
file was disabled successfully. [ok]
list was disabled successfully. [ok]
number was disabled successfully. [ok]
options was disabled successfully.

That figures as the content types: Article and Page are there.

Deleting all comment fields and then content types

drush @drupal.d7 pm-disable field

gives new information relating to pending deletion.

text is a required module and can't be disabled. Reason: Field type(s) in use - see Field list [ok]
field_sql_storage is a required module and can't be disabled. [ok]
field is a required module and can't be disabled. [ok]
image is a required module and can't be disabled. Reason: Fields pending deletion [ok]
og is a required module and can't be disabled. Reason: Field type(s) in use - see Field list [ok]
taxonomy is a required module and can't be disabled. Reason: Fields pending deletion [ok]
The following extensions will be disabled: options, comment, file, field_ui, list, number
Do you really want to continue? (y/n): n
Aborting. [cancel]

Pending fields thus run cron.

drush cron
Cron run successful.[success]

Now we should be able to delete more.

drush @drupal.d7 pm-disable field
text is a required module and can't be disabled. Reason: Field type(s) in use - see Field list [ok]
field_sql_storage is a required module and can't be disabled. [ok]
field is a required module and can't be disabled. [ok]
og is a required module and can't be disabled. Reason: Field type(s) in use - see Field list [ok]
The following extensions will be disabled: options, taxonomy, comment, file, image, field_ui, list, number
Do you really want to continue? (y/n): 

Disable as much as possible

drush @drupal.d7 pml --pipe --status=enabled --pipe | drush pm-disable

it is impossible to disable the last modules

drush @drupal.d7 pml --pipe --status=enabled

Visiting the modules page shows some depending on Drupal.

- it is not possible to disable all modules like user and node
- most are not related to a circular dependency but mere entity related (user, node). I'm not sure why text could not be disabled after trying to disable all.

The circular dependencies for field and field_sql_storage is still in Drupal 7.

Was this useful?

Advocat’s picture

Thanks clemens.tolboom, it was informative. To be honest, module analysis via drush is something I have no experience with. I am most definitely not a coder/developer on that level. If I am understanding your analysis properly, it is the creation of certain entities which is creating the lock.

Let me ask a practical question as a Drupal user/admin. Should, at some point, a major upgrade to D7 be released which requires disabling all modules (as happened at least once under D6), or should I wish to upgrade the site to D8 in the distant future, what steps should I take to disable the modules and conduct the upgrade?

Or is the case such that I would simply install the upgrade as a new install, and rebuild the site/project from scratch?

BTW, let me than all who have responded to my question. I've always found the Drupal community to be exceptional in the willingness of experienced members to help those with less experience.

clemens.tolboom’s picture

@Advocat: see http://drupal.org/upgrade for hopefully more explanations about update/upgrade.

Regarding a D6 to D8 major upgrade you should go through a D6 to D7 then D8 upgrade or use migration tools.

The http://drupalcode.org/project/drupal.git/blob/refs/heads/7.x:/UPGRADE.txt to D7 you should disable all non core D6 modules before upgrading to D7.

Hope that helps :)

Cameron Tod’s picture

Advocat, a major version upgrade can be a big undertaking, depending on how complex your site is. I've been working since January with four other devs on a D6->D7 update, for example :)

If this is something you're interested in learning about, check out Migrate module and Drupal-to-Drupal data migration. They've been a great help to us.

Advocat’s picture

Thanks all!

torotil’s picture