openpublic 7.x-1.0-beta7


Reworked the make files to support the new distro packaging.

openpublic 7.x-1.0-beta5


commit 5f674d5dec93fe5f7ad751d18f8c3b4ef2927679
Author: e2thex
Date: Fri Feb 10 16:46:17 2012 -0500

update make file and add drupal-org make so we can build on d.o

commit be79bffd1a32ad09b671705945ab848e3864cd6b
Author: e2thex
Date: Wed Feb 8 00:57:53 2012 -0500

updating to 7.12

commit 896f2fc93ac66bca0123be0377484613263f194d
Author: e2thex
Date: Thu Jan 19 11:18:47 2012 -0500

updating core and removing non applying patch

openpublic 7.x-1.0-beta4


OpenPublic Beta 4
OpenPublic Beta 4 was focused on providing a responsive theme for OpenPublic.

New Features
Created new Omega base theme (previous theme is still available for those that created a sub-theme from it)
Created new Omega-based "Spartan" theme designed as a responsive base theme for OpenPubli


Updated OpenPublic to the latest in Core and updated all Modules

Fixed Issues

Resolved an issue where users can see an error message that the

openpublic 7.x-1.0-beta3

New features
Bug fixes

This Release is mostly change the version of the module used in
OpenPublic. Two notable updates are the apps module and the context
field module.

The apps module updates allow for better testing of app from a local
environment. It also includes bug fix for some fringe case of apps
with out dependences.

The context_field update include two new features, allowing for
context fields to toggle context from the node edit screen.

openpublic 7.x-1.0-beta2

Bug fixes


* Checked in all OpenPublic code to Drupal.Org:
* Download now includes an install, and OpenPublic can be installed with make
* Updated OpenPublic to the latest in Core and updated all Modules

Fixed Issues

* Resolved an issue where adding a custom logo to the OpenPublic theme resulted in users seeing a white screen


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