uc_favorder 6.x-2.1

Bug fixes

IMPORTANT: #1197568: no settings for user permissions

Two new user permissions are put in place.

  • create uc_favorder
  • administer uc_favorder

After you update the module MAKE SURE you go to the permission page and set the appropriate permissions for the roles allowed to create fav_orders.

uc_favorder 6.x-2.0

New features

Stable Release for 2.x branch

Changes from beta2
- No form when no orders in block
- Add notice when order is deleted from admin page
- put html out of t()

New features in 2.x branch include
- #1090680: More than one favorite order
- New DB schema
- Other product handling improvements to more mimc UC way of doing things

uc_favorder 6.x-2.0-beta1

New features

- New version of the module.
- #1090680: More than one favorite order Allow multiple favorite orders per client.
- New DB schema
- Other product handling improvements to more mimc UC way of doing things

uc_favorder 7.x-1.0-beta1

New features

First BETA release for D7 branch.
There is a new permission system. Please make sure you grant the appropriate permission for users and admins.

NOTE: There is no upgrade path from D6 yet.
See CHANGELOG for more.

uc_favorder 6.x-1.0

New features
Bug fixes

- First stable release
- No new features will be added on this branch
- See CHANGELOG.txt for more info

uc_favorder 6.x-1.0-alpha4

Bug fixes


  • This update fixes a bug in the way the products were added to the cart where some info could get lost in the process.


  • With this release, and back-ported form the 7.x branch, I use theme(uc_cart_block_items, $items) to render the favorite order page. I hope to change that for V2, but in the mean time it will stay like that. I had to make the change to fix an issue with how prices were displayed when using multiple price alters. (Think of the VAT or GST modules)

uc_favorder 6.x-1.0-alpha1

First alpha release.
Should work on production sites.
Not tested with Ubercart Attribute

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