The LinkedIn Integration module provides integration with the LinkedIn API.

It bundles :

  • a main module, that does nothing on its own, but provides a few functions other modules can build on.
  • a LinkedIn Authentication sub-module, that let users login to a Drupal site using their LinkedIn account.
  • a LinkedIn Profile sub-module, that let users display parts of their LinkedIn profile within their user page.
  • a LinkedIn Status sub-module, that lets users update their LinkedIn status when creating/updating nodes or comments.

Installation/initial configuration

  1. LinkedIn Integration requires the OAuth.php library. You can either :
    • install the Oauth module from (both version 6.x-2 and version 6.x-3 are supported). You don't need to activate it, the module only uses the library it provides.
    • download the OAuth.php library from and specify the full path on the module admin interface
  2. D7 version requires cURL.
  3. Enable the base Linkedin module as usual.
  4. Request an API key by registering at and creating a new application. Fill the required fields (name, etc) and pay attention to
    • provide an "Integration URL" : this field must match the URL of your server this means you'll need a separate key for each stage or development server.[@todo : is this still true ?]
    • leave the "Callback URL" blank, the module takes care of this.
  5. Configuration : go to admin/config/services/linkedin and fill the "API key" and "Secret key" fields with the keys you got from If you downloaded the library directly from, you should see an additional "OAuth library full path" field above : don't forget to include the filename.
  6. Usage : Users will have to associate their LinkedIn account with their local Drupal account (at user/%user/edit/linkedin) to use any functionality provided by submodules.


If you encounter troubles, please check the following points :

  • Integration URL : integration url you gave at is the actual one from wich you are issuing request.
  • Callback URL : do not specifiy a callback url at
  • Server time : an out of sync server will issue a wrong timestamp. requires that the timestamp must be within 5 minutes of accurate.
  • Permissions : get sure users have the right to use the features provided by the submodule you are trying to use.

Also, the module offers a "debug mode" (see admin/settings/linkedin) that will try to give useful infos.

Developer use

If you want to implement you own module, you can use the following :

linkedin_get_profile_fields($uid, $fields = array ())

Fetch fields from a LinkedIn profile. Copes with public/private LinkedIn profile depending on the currently logged in user.
Parameters :
$uid : the uid of the Drupal user.
$fields : an array of field's names to retrieve (see for a extensive list)
Return value :
A structured array of fields and their values (or the error message received from the API as an array)

linkedin_get_fields($url, $tokens)

Fetch fields from a LinkedIn profile.
Parameters :
$url : full request url to a LinkedIn API ressource (see API doc for syntax)
$tokens : the user tokens, as an array containing keys 'token_key' and 'token_secret' with their value
Return value :
A structured array of fields and their values (or the error message received from the API as an array)

linkedin_put_profile_field($uid, $body, $field = 'current-status')

Let us 'put' data into user profile.
Parameters :
$uid : the uid of the user we want to access infos
$body : The content to be sent.
$field : the field we want to update. At now, only 'current-status' is available from the API.
Return value :
http answer from the API (or the error message as an array)

hook_linkedin_user_settings_page($form_state, $account)

Let modules add their form elements to the user preferences edit form at user/%user/edit/linkedin. Must return an array of form elements.


Let modules add their form elements to the admin settings at admin/settings/linkedin. Must return an array of form elements.


Mainly useful only if you don't use any of the bundled sub-modules. This function is called from the access callback at user/%user/edit/linkedin to check if the user has the right to access his own LinkedIn setting ! It shall return an array of permissions, typically the return would be the same than the one from your hook_perm().
Note that user is granted access if he has any permission implemented by a module using this hook. That mean you cannot deny access through this function and got to make checks in hook_linkedin_user_settings_page if you want to be selective on what to display to the user.