What does this mean and how should I approach addressing it?

The full error message is:

Missing Feeds plugin FeedsDataProcessor. See feed_fast. Check whether all required libraries and modules are installed properly.

At feed_fast, I see the following error message:

warning: call_user_func_array() [function.call-user-func-array]: First argument is expected to be a valid callback, 'FeedsMissingPlugin_feeds_form' was given in /home/tesssco7/public_html/newsroom/includes/form.inc on line 372.

Other than that, I don't see anything that seems relevant.

I have verified that FeedsDataProcessor.inc is in the plugins directory for the feeds module. Have also disabled and uninstalled/reinstalled the Feeds Fast News and Data modules. Loathe to uninstall Feeds proper because I have feed importers defined and would rather not have to manually recreate them.

Any suggestions?


Spark_man’s picture

Just updated from Feeds Alpha 5 to Alpha 9 and I got the same. Also noticed that there are several dependencies (job scheduler, data, schema) that where there before and that were not listed on the project page. Please update that too if your going to require additional modules.

alex_b’s picture

Status: Active » Postponed (maintainer needs more info)

escoles: Did you do a fresh install or did you upgrade from an existing version?

Spark_man: Dependencies are listed in release notes if they change (http://drupal.org/node/923408). I just updated README.txt to include Job Scheduler.

escoles’s picture

This was an update from 6.x-1.0-alpha14.

FWIW, IMO dependencies should be listed on the project page. It's much easier to evaluate a module's suitability if we don't have to dig into layers of release notes.

escoles’s picture

Additional information:

If I enable the Feeds module (just feeds, no sub-modules), I get the following error:

Fatal error: Class FeedsMissingPlugin contains 2 abstract methods and must therefore be declared abstract or implement the remaining methods (FeedsSourceInterface::sourceSave, FeedsSourceInterface::sourceDelete) in /home/tesssco7/public_html/newsroom/sites/all/modules/feeds/plugins/FeedsPlugin.inc on line 76

This brings down the entire site; at this point it's necessary to manually disable the module by setting the "status" value in the system table to '0'.

alex_b’s picture

Does your plugins/FeedsPlugin.inc file look exactly like this one?


Most importantly, there should be a non-abstract method FeedsPlugin:: sourceSave() and FeedsPlugin::sourceDelete(); FeedsPlugin implements FeedsSourceInterface and FeedsMissingPlugin extends FeedsPlugin.

I doubt #4 is reporting on 1.0 beta 9.

escoles’s picture

After looking over the .install files for beta8 and beta9, I decided to try rolling back to beta8. That seems to install without a hitch. Will not be trying to update to beta9 again.

escoles’s picture

alex_b, as far as I can see FeedsPlugin.inc distributed with beta9 was identical with yours.

alex_b’s picture

Status: Postponed (maintainer needs more info) » Closed (cannot reproduce)

I am not sure what's going on then. The changes between beta 8 and beta 9 are marginal, here is a complete diff between the 1.0 beta 8 tarball and the 1.0 beta 9 tarball available for download from drupal.org:


The only changes to code are these three lines occurring in separate places in the code base:

catch (FeedsNotExistingException $e) {}
catch (FeedsNotExistingException $e) {}
throw new FeedsNotExistingException(t('Source configuration not valid.'));
Will not be trying to update to beta9 again.

Closing then.

jscheel’s picture

I am having the same issue with beta9, fresh install. I tried downgrading to beta8, and still have the same problem.

jscheel’s picture

Status: Closed (cannot reproduce) » Active
Durrok’s picture

Getting the same error message as well from a fresh install of beta 9. Subscribing...

To reproduce:

  • Enable Feeds Admin UI, Feeds Fast News, and the module dependecies.
  • Go to Create Content -> Fast Feed
  • Error message should appear. Also appears at admin/build/feeds/list
  • Itangalo’s picture



    Itangalo’s picture

    My problems went away when I uninstalled Feeds, drushed down a new copy and activated. Very strange.

    debplatt’s picture

    I'm getting the following message when I got to admin/build/feeds/list: "Missing Feeds plugin FeedsDataProcessor. See feed_fast. Check whether all required libraries and modules are installed properly." I just downloaded and enabled the beta 9 version today. I had installed Data and Schema before enabling fast feed. I did try uninstalling Feeds and then re-enstalling and enabling Feeds as described in #13, but the warning remains.

    jonlibrary’s picture

    I initially had this error upon install, but it disappeared when I ran cron manually.

    imclean’s picture

    I also got this error. Running cron alone didn't do the job, clearing the cache then running cron fixed it.

    maykbrito’s picture

    I do the same thing. Also worked.
    Thanks for the tip =)

    Hanno’s picture

    Status: Active » Needs review

    Adding the following code in feeds_fast_news.install will clear the cache when enabling the module.

    function feeds_fast_news_enable() {
      //clear the cache to display in Feeds as available plugin.
      cache_clear_all('plugins:feeds:plugins', 'cache');

    Worked with other feed plugin modules as well.

    itserich’s picture

    I got the same error after a fresh install:

    Missing Feeds plugin FeedsDataProcessor. See feed_fast. Check whether all required libraries and modules are installed properly.

    Flush + cron fixed it. Thanks.

    ZiggyPop’s picture

    Error disappeared after I selected the Node Processor

    anushajain’s picture

    Same here, error gone after selecting the Node Processor

    thriftyngreen’s picture

    Hey could the writer update this module it suggests a current version of the GetID3 lib that is not even there very confusing. And uncertain

    jsheppard’s picture

    I had the same errors, but Error disappeared for me also after I selected the Node Processor.

    shunting’s picture

    Got the same error with beta9, cleared cache three times, then re-installed (not with node, search, or taxonomy; I have a CSV plugin). That worked.

    The error had been happening some time, and showed up in the logs when it caused cron to fail.

    kiranjala’s picture

    I'm facing similar error. Here is the error message

    "Missing Feeds plugin FeedsXPathParserXML. See xxxxxx-Import. Check whether all required libraries and modules are installed properly."

    I tried to clear cache, first disable, uninstall/re-install and enabling the modules. nothing works. The error happened when I change the parser to "XPath XML parser" option and stays there. Clicking on settings under parser section shows blank screen. Recently we migrated from 7.x to D7.2 version. Could this have any impact? coz the feeds xpath plugin version i installed is : 7.x-1.x-dev and feeds module is 7.x-2.0-alpha4


    gowriabhaya’s picture

    I had FeedsDataProcessor missing plugin error, once I cleared the cache and ran Cron manually the error message went away. I hope this helps somebody.

    jeremy.zimmermann’s picture

    Try to clear the cache, it worked for me.

    Anonymous’s picture

    Same error message, same solution, when switching from feeds 7.x-2.0-alpha5 to 7.x-2.x-dev .

    Pancho’s picture

    Version: 6.x-1.0-beta9 » 7.x-2.0-alpha8
    Component: Miscellaneous » Code
    Category: support » bug
    Status: Needs review » Active

    Still the case with 7.x-2.0-alpha8.
    Marking active because there's not yet a patch.
    Marking #1804662: Missing Feeds Plugin message appearing at install and #1812434: Missing Feeds plugin FeedsProfileProcessor duplicates of this one.

    smiletrl’s picture

    Title: Error message: 'Missing Feeds plugin FeedsDataProcessor' » Error message: 'Missing Feeds plugin CustomProcessor'

    I created a new processor for feeds. Every time I run dursh cc all, I will get the error:

    Missing Feeds plugin DatumProcessor. See __none__. Check whether all required libraries and modules are installed properly.

    This is what I have done

     * Implements hook_ctools_plugin_api().
    function datum_ctools_plugin_api($owner, $api) {
      if ($owner == 'feeds' && $api == 'plugins') {
        return array('version' => 1);
     * Implements hook_feeds_plugins().
    function datum_feeds_plugins() {
      $info = array();
      $info['datum_feeds'] = array(
        'name' => 'Datum processor',
        'description' => 'Create and update Datum data from parsed content.',
        'handler' => array(
          'parent' => 'FeedsProcessor',
          'class' => 'DatumProcessor',
          'file' => 'DatumProcessor.inc',
          'path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'datum') .'/plugins',
      return $info; 

    This new processor works well as designed. But this error shows always. Anyone know why it happens? I tried

    drush dis datum feeds
    drush cc all
    drush en datum feeds

    This solves default processor inside feeds module missing problem, but still keeps missing problem for new custom processor. Any help will be appreciated, thanks!

    marktheshark’s picture

    Same here, newly installed Feeds, Commerce Feeds, and Commerce Feeds Multitype.

    Edit: Clearing the cache did the trick for me as well.

    mikran’s picture

    I don't think this is an issue with feeds but more so an issue with the module providing custom plugins. I solved this by adding custom plugins to .info file the same way default plugins are included in feeds.info.

    ; Plugins
    files[] = plugins/FeedsCSVParser.inc
    files[] = plugins/FeedsFetcher.inc
    smiletrl’s picture

    @mikran, thanks for sharing your solution.

    I just did a try. Unfortunately, this problem remains. I have another custom feeds plugin, and it works fine. That plugin's inc file is put in the root directory of module proving it. I guess this is somehow related to Ctools...

    mikran’s picture

    I think I finally figured out the real cause to this. The hooks (namely hook_feeds_plugin) are cached and therefore after new module is enabled the new hooks are not discovered.

    @smiletrl can you try to add following to your custom module:

     * Implements hook_enable().
    function datum_enable() {
    smiletrl’s picture

    @mikran Really thank you for your effort on this:)

    This problem remains:( I have tried something like this before, kind of like your solution provided here, no luck either.

     * Implements hook_enbale().
    function datum_enable() {
      //clear the cache to display in Feeds as available plugin.
      cache_clear_all('plugins:feeds:plugins', 'cache');

    I think this is probably related to this particular project environment. Because my last custom feeds plugin in another drupal project works without this annoying message.

    mikran’s picture

    And.. what if you clear both caches?

     * Implements hook_enable().
    function datum_enable() {
      // clear the cache to display in Feeds as available plugin.
      cache_clear_all('plugins:feeds:plugins', 'cache');
      // clear static cache to ensure uncached plugins
    smiletrl’s picture

    hi, yes, I used your code with existing code.

    It's probably related with other code in my module. It provides new entity types based on Entity Api module. And new entity type hasn't been perfect -- some bugs with new entity types. I guess maybe something related to that.

    kreynen’s picture

    Status: Active » Postponed (maintainer needs more info)

    @smiletrl Now that #1033202: [Meta] Generic entity processor is RTBC, switching to the Entity Processor should allow you to disable the module with the buggy custom processor.

    smiletrl’s picture

    @kreynen ok, thanks.

    draenen’s picture

    #32 Worked for me when adding my own plugins in a custom module.

    blogook’s picture

    Issue summary: View changes

    changing path to

    'path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'datum') .'/plugins',

    and #32 worked for me

    tcibah’s picture

    Hi. Would appreciate any update on FeedsDataProcessor plugin; will it be available?

    twistor’s picture

    Status: Postponed (maintainer needs more info) » Closed (fixed)
    agrozyme’s picture

    I get the 'Missing Feeds plugin' at features rebuild pharse.
    #36 not work, but give me a hint.
    I use hook_modules_enabled, it work.

    function site_venture_modules_enabled($modules) {
      cache_clear_all('plugins:feeds:plugins', 'cache');