Doesn't look like much has happened with this module for some time.

I use on several sites.. and love it.

You can use imagefield in CCK with this module as well

If you use the image module for processing images in lieu of CCK there is a module for Ubercart that converts images processed by image module into products.

This is a great time saver for Ubercart users, espcially now that you can do batch uploads using image module.

This galleria could use some tweaking, yet it is still a front runner in my books.

The way it uploads images and then provides the most excellent ability to work with the images after they are uploaded is very efficient.

Also, it works with Lightbox and works as a slideshow as well.

I really like the way it works. You have to click the thumbnails, instead of hovering over them to initiate large image size views.

THis is really important for users that aren't on broadband. Hovering cursors cause slowdowns for users on slower connections waiting for larger views to appear.

I realize the mouse hoverover thumbnails looks really tricked out and that's great if you are on a fast connection.