I'm trying to install Drupal Commons on a Rackspace Cloud site.

I apply the same changes to the htaccess file as I do with normal Drupal installs (which work without problems) but when I choose the Drupal Commons install and press "save and continue" it hangs and eventually it offers me to save the install.php file trough the browser. I use Firefox 3.6.10 on OS X.

As said before I have no problem installing the default drupal distribution on this configuration.

Here is what I'm adding to the htaccess:
php_value memory_limit 220M
php_value max_execution_time 1200
php_value upload_max_filesize 150M
php_value post_max_size 150M

I also enable this line: (Required by Rackspace)
RewriteBase /

Any suggestions on what is happening?


cpliakas’s picture

Status: Active » Postponed (maintainer needs more info)

Have you tried using the default .htaccess file, just making the change required by RackSpace? Generally this type of error is caused by a server misconfiguration either in .htaccess ot httpd.conf (assuming you are using Apache).

nextmola’s picture

nextmola’s picture

Tried to remove the .htaccess entries but it came up with the same error.

ndwilliams3’s picture

I had problems installing on cloud as well. I install on localhost exported the db through backup & migrate. Installed standard Drupal on cloud and then enabled backup & migrate module and restored db with export from localhost.

ndwilliams3’s picture

here is the htaccess i am using. To test that the changes are applied create a file in the web/content folder of your cloudsite called phpinfo.php and put this in


phpinfo ();


navigate to yourdomain.com/phpinfo.php and look to see if the changes are applied.

# Apache/PHP/Drupal settings:

# Protect files and directories from prying eyes.
<FilesMatch "\.(engine|inc|info|install|make|module|profile|test|po|sh|.*sql|theme|tpl(\.php)?|xtmpl|svn-base)$|^(code-style\.pl|Entries.*|Repository|Root|Tag|Template|all-wcprops|entries|format)$">
  Order allow,deny

# Don't show directory listings for URLs which map to a directory.
Options -Indexes

# Follow symbolic links in this directory.
Options +FollowSymLinks

# Make Drupal handle any 404 errors.
ErrorDocument 404 /index.php

# Force simple error message for requests for non-existent favicon.ico.
<Files favicon.ico>
  # There is no end quote below, for compatibility with Apache 1.3.
  ErrorDocument 404 "The requested file favicon.ico was not found.

# Set the default handler.
DirectoryIndex index.php

# Override PHP settings. More in sites/default/settings.php
# but the following cannot be changed at runtime.

# PHP 4, Apache 1.
<IfModule mod_php4.c>
  php_value magic_quotes_gpc                0
  php_value register_globals                0
  php_value session.auto_start              0
  php_value mbstring.http_input             pass
  php_value mbstring.http_output            pass
  php_value mbstring.encoding_translation   0

# PHP 4, Apache 2.
<IfModule sapi_apache2.c>
  php_value magic_quotes_gpc                0
  php_value register_globals                0
  php_value session.auto_start              0
  php_value mbstring.http_input             pass
  php_value mbstring.http_output            pass
  php_value mbstring.encoding_translation   0

# PHP 5, Apache 1 and 2.
<IfModule mod_php5.c>
  php_value magic_quotes_gpc                0
  php_value register_globals                0
  php_value session.auto_start              0
  php_value mbstring.http_input             pass
  php_value mbstring.http_output            pass
  php_value mbstring.encoding_translation   0
  php_value max_execution_time              300
  php_value max_input_time                  300
  php_value memory_limit                    220M
  php_value upload_max_filesize             30M

# Requires mod_expires to be enabled.
<IfModule mod_expires.c>
  # Enable expirations.
  ExpiresActive On

  # Cache all files for 2 weeks after access (A).
  ExpiresDefault A1209600

  <FilesMatch \.php$>
    # Do not allow PHP scripts to be cached unless they explicitly send cache
    # headers themselves. Otherwise all scripts would have to overwrite the
    # headers set by mod_expires if they want another caching behavior. This may
    # fail if an error occurs early in the bootstrap process, and it may cause
    # problems if a non-Drupal PHP file is installed in a subdirectory.
    ExpiresActive Off

# Various rewrite rules.
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
  RewriteEngine on

  # If your site can be accessed both with and without the 'www.' prefix, you
  # can use one of the following settings to redirect users to your preferred
  # URL, either WITH or WITHOUT the 'www.' prefix. Choose ONLY one option:
  # To redirect all users to access the site WITH the 'www.' prefix,
  # (http://example.com/... will be redirected to http://www.example.com/...)
  # adapt and uncomment the following:
  # RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^example\.com$ [NC]
  # RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://www.example.com/$1 [L,R=301]
  # To redirect all users to access the site WITHOUT the 'www.' prefix,
  # (http://www.example.com/... will be redirected to http://example.com/...)
  # uncomment and adapt the following:
  # RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www\.example\.com$ [NC]
  # RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://example.com/$1 [L,R=301]

  # Modify the RewriteBase if you are using Drupal in a subdirectory or in a
  # VirtualDocumentRoot and the rewrite rules are not working properly.
  # For example if your site is at http://example.com/drupal uncomment and
  # modify the following line:
  # RewriteBase /drupal
  # If your site is running in a VirtualDocumentRoot at http://example.com/,
  # uncomment the following line:
   RewriteBase /

  # Rewrite URLs of the form 'x' to the form 'index.php?q=x'.
  RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
  RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
  RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !=/favicon.ico
  RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php?q=$1 [L,QSA]

# $Id: .htaccess,v 2010/02/02 07:25:22 dries Exp $

cpliakas’s picture

Status: Postponed (maintainer needs more info) » Closed (cannot reproduce)

Closing after a long period of inactivity.