pet 7.x-1.0-rc2

Bug fixes

Issue #2809023 by zoltee: When invoked from Rules, BCC is not sent.
Issue #2537706 by mqanneh: Missing configuration link and menu link description.

This might bee last release for Drupal 7.

pet 8.x-1.0-rc1

Bug fixes
New features

PETs are not translatable.
Fixed token parsing error with the latest core.

pet 8.x-1.0-alpha1

Basic functionality is ported to Drupal 8. Please test and report issues.

pet 7.x-1.0-rc1

Bug fixes
New features

Following issues are fixed

  • #2184191 - Improve Ease of administration of Pets by adding sorts and increasing pager.
  • #1902766 - pet_send_one_mail should return message status
  • #2008768 - Make pet watchdog for successful emails optional.
  • #2100373 - Empty tokens
  • #1945634 - Undefined $params['pet_nid'] and $params['pet_uid'] cause strict warnings (fixed)
  • #2087959 - Couldn't use pet_send_mail() when custom tokens should be used
  • #1869798 - Add "Reply to" field

pet 7.x-1.0-beta1

New features

Initial release for Drupal 7. Entity API, Rules, and MimeMail support.

pet 6.x-1.5

New features

* Removed need to precede emails with "uid|" when performing user token substitution. UID is looked up automatically. Also applies to recipient callback functions. Backward compatibility provided.
* Multiple To recipients via form element supported, along with overriding path default UID.
* CC and BCC fields added, with defaults possible per template
* From is customizable per template
* Path-based invocation of recipient callback changed from "uid=xxx" to "recipient_callback=true". Backward compatibility provided.
* Package changed to Mail from Email

pet 6.x-1.4

Bug fixes

* Changed 'body' field in pet forms to 'mail_body' to avoid confusion with node body fields and difficulties arising from CK editor taking over the field.
* Changed watchdog from error to notice when recipient array is empty (this is a normal event).

pet 6.x-1.3

Bug fixes

removed debugging statement - otherwise no difference over (major) upgrade in 6.x-1.1
there is no release 6.x-1.2

pet 6.x-1.1

New features

CCK & Views Integration
Supports the CCK field type "PET Reference", which is available when you enable the petreference module. This
field lets you stores templates specific to certain content with that content.

The petreference module also includes basic Views support, including a Views type PET, which can be used to
create Views of PETs, and support for displaying PET Reference fields in Node type Views.

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