I believe having http:// appear twice in a url is actually invalid

eg. http://www.dellproductions.com/sites/all/modules/lightbox2/jw_player/pla...

I'm getting Drupal page not found, and when I go to the error log it's reporting a 403 error.

I'm thinking this could be fixed by pulling only the href attribute without the protocol & domain. It should use whatever is actually in href attribute instead of adding http://domain.com to it.

Here is the full drupal page with lightbox2 implementation. After clicking on one of the videos the lightbox appears but with nothing in it. Analyzing the NET panel in Firefox shows the error.


samtherobot’s picture

Looking into it a little deeper I'm wondering if using the "pathname" property of the anchor tag instead of the "href" would solve the problem. Perhaps this only needs to be done for the lightvideo portion.

rich.yumul’s picture


Could it be something with the server config?

It worked on a co-workers local development box, but then broke when uploaded to our dev server. :/