
Download advanced_profile-6.x-1.0.tar.gztar.gz 28.39 KB
MD5: 238afc3934b59ed1dd2f6d6942b42e81
SHA-1: 0a22241b0523b69c6ec78d6a79da8a1386f75431
SHA-256: 0a78041a866de5afc1aa397b1a985ecbc1b6702aab73830b4cc80f2b57c51b5c
Download advanced_profile-6.x-1.0.zipzip 45.72 KB
MD5: 24d0972fe35e3ae6f29641fbc1edbbad
SHA-1: 7d58e0da0831724d4a9a10289dcf0e4acc58b884
SHA-256: c9bb3333ef7ef00ed5509a0bc1072df1c1f6fe213f2f77c7fc83d6f93438b22a

Release notes

Important notes: If you are upgrading from a previous version, there's a few things you need to pay attention to:

* APK's version of the Author Pane template is no longer auto discovered. You need to copy it to your theme.
* There is no styling by default. If you were relying on old styles, you'll need to copy over a stylesheet.
* The field names for the included CCK profile node export have changed. If you have not changed the included variant, it will be pulling from code and the names won't match. You can either make a change (any change, just something to get it to override) before upgrading to keep the old version of the variant in the database or you can delete and re-add the "about me" and "interests" fields after the upgrade. I don't believe the fieldsets were affected.

#618166 by Michelle: Added uninstall to remove variables.
NOISSUE by Michelle: Added profile visits variable that contains the list before it's themed.
NOISSUE by Michelle: Coder clean up & documentation tweaks.
NOISSUE by Michelle: Fixed title of settings page.
#914888 by Michelle: Added setting to change the 'View' tab of the user view page.
NOISSUE by Michelle: Updated variant export to use the new field names.
NOISSUE by Michelle: Moved username into t() on profile visits display.
NOISSUE by Michelle: Moved Author Pane template to the theme directory since it now needs to be manually copied.
NOISSUE by Michelle: Moved theme functions into .module.

Created by: Michelle
Created on: 4 Oct 2010 at 19:20 UTC
Last updated: 4 Oct 2010 at 19:20 UTC
New features
Bug fixes

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