Hello firt i would like to say how much i like your theme. Really nice. Classy. Thanks. I have a few issues with it which im sure are all down to my lack of knowledge. I will keep them to a seperate thread for each. My site can be viewed here-

I am having problems putting anything in the Header Top position. I have skinr installed and have played around with that too. Everything seems to be hidden behend the top blue bar at the top. On the frontpage at the moment you will be able to see (just) the login box up there. I have used the skinr horizontal login style on the block as you can see but its still dropped down the back. If i add a menu and apply the skinr 'Single line menu with separators' the menu appears like so

and just text in a block like this

I have looked at it in firevug and for the life of me cannot get blocks to display properly in the header top region. Could anyone hazzard a guess at where i am maybe going wrong? thanks.