Service Links generates links for over 70 social services from around the world. These services can be selected and sorted individually and displayed as a block or in a node, either in the link section or after the body.

This page is not updated and i will not update it anymore, documentation is now available on the Home page project.


The admin can decide:

  • link style: as text, image or both;
  • which node types to display links on;
  • if the links should be displays in teaser view or full page view or both;
  • if the links should be added after the body text or in the links section or in a block;
  • if aggregator2 nodes should use link to original article aggregated by aggregator2 module;
  • which user roles can see Service Links

The 2.x branch includes:

  • A new, easy and fast method for add service links through hook_service_links();
  • visual sort for links through drag'n drop;
  • short links support also through Shorten URLs if enabled;
  • support for browser bookmark (work with Firefox, IE, Opera, Chrome);
  • support for Share, ShareThis and Forward;
  • support for Views 2;
  • block with FishEye effect;
  • support for custom icon path;
  • support for not-node pages;
  • specific services related to these languages: basque, dutch, italian, german, hungarian, russian, spanish, swedish, beside other relevant and well known services (Digg, Facebook, Technorati, Twitter, ...) for an amount of 70 and plus links

Interesting issues


tdmiller7873’s picture

I now understand how to implement links as part of nodes in order to share certain content items.

However, I also want to provide just an easy link icon in the header of each of my pages so the user can link directly to our Facebook Fan Page (i.e. Follow us on Facebook - icon). When the user clicks on the Facebook icon, it would link them directly to our Fan Page.

Can this be easily implemented using Service Links or do I need to be using a different module?


carlclancy’s picture

if i understand you correctly, all you need to do is put a link to your facebook page either in your page.tpl.php file, or in a block which appears on all pages. no module is required.

dastewart’s picture

Hi there - I've installed the module and it works fine the first time I load up my page but then they disappear after a while.

If I clear the drupal cache they then re-appear....and then just disappear after a while.

If I alter ANY module in my drupal settings (even if I just turn one on or off) they then re-appear...and then disappear.

It's almost as if there's some old cached version of my drupal install somewhere which the browser keeps going back to but if I've tried it on different machines on different locations so I'm wondering if this is somehow an issue with this module because everything else seems to work fine.

The website is


UPDATE: Okay, issue resolved. I install another module (devel) to try and help me work out what the problem was and the service links now seem to be working

Anonymous’s picture


For some reason the service links are not showing up on all the Content types that I have checked off. They are showing up on all but one, even though that one is checked off. I have unchecked, saved and re-checked, saved again but no luck. Is there some other place that I should look that could be causing the problem? The service links are accessible to everyone in permissions and I looked at the Content type itself to see if there was something in the publishing links, etc. But didn't see anything.

Thanks so much,
