When you go to "add pane" and the popup appears, is there any way to set the default tab in the popup? It seems to default to the "root" category, just wondering if you can set a default category instead?


merlinofchaos’s picture

Title: Default Tab » Set the default category for the Add Content modal
Category: support » feature

At this time you cannot.

Changing to a feature request. It's a fairly reasonable one.

joelstein’s picture

Version: 6.x-3.x-dev » 7.x-3.x-dev
Issue summary: View changes

Using hook_panels_ipe_region_links_alter(), you can alter the "Add new pane" region link to pass in the desired default category. For example, to default to the Miscellaneous category:

 * Implements hook_panels_ipe_region_links_alter() from Panels IPE.
function MY_MODULE_panels_ipe_region_links_alter(&$links, $context) {
  $links['add-pane']['href'] .= '/miscellaneous';