
This hook allows to define the operations am module uses and allows to provide translatable, dynamic descriptions for these.

Example implementations:

Static description:

 * Implements hook_userpoints_info().
function userpoints_userpoints_info() {
  return array(
    'expiry' => array(
      'description' => t('!Points have expired.', userpoints_translation()),

Dynamic description with a callback function:

function userpoints_nc_userpoints_info() {
  return array(
    'userpoints_nc_node_insert' => array(
      'description callback' => 'userpoints_nc_description_callback',
      'description' => t('Content was created.'),
    'userpoints_nc_node_publish' => array(
      'description callback' => 'userpoints_nc_description_callback',

The callback function recieves the $operation object and the referenced $entity (if any) to provide a dynamic description.

Example (shortened):

function userpoints_nc_description_callback($operation, $entity) {
  $arguments = array();
  // Try to load content type name.
  if ($operation->entity_type == 'comment' && $entity) {
    $node = node_load($entity->nid);
    $arguments['%title'] = $node->title;
  elseif ($operation->entity_type == 'node' && $entity) {
    $arguments['%title'] = $entity->title;

  switch ($operation->operation) {
    case 'userpoints_nc_node_insert':
      return t('Added %title.', $arguments);

More features based on this hook are planned, for example a flood control module that allows to define which operation can be executed how often.

Use of description in userpoints_userpoints_api() is deprecated and operation is a technical name

Instead, hook_userpoints_info() should be implemented to provide a description that can be translated. Additionally, operation is now a technical string that is not displayed to normal users anymore. Instead displaying operation and description, only a single column called "Reason" is shown which displays the description, if available or the operation if not.

Example in Drupal 6:

$params = array(
  'points' => 5,
  'operation' => t('Some operation'),
  'description' => t('Description for the operation.'),

Example in Drupal 7:

 * Implements hook_userpoints_info().
function userpoints_userpoints_info() {
  return array(
    'mymodule_some_operation' => array(
      'description' => t('Description for the operation.'),

$params = array(
  'uid' => $user->uid,
  'points' => 5,
  'operation' => 'mymodule_some_operation',