I've found the ics exports for the whole calendar or for specific dates on the calendar, but I don't see any export function for a specific event. I'm thinking in particular of someone looking at an event node and wanting to add that event to their desktop calendar via ics download.

Does this module support this use case and I'm missing it? If not, any suggestions on possible solutions for outputting an ics file for a specific event?

Thanks in advance.


frank005’s picture

I assume this module is no longer supported, but I figured I would bump anyways.

killes@www.drop.org’s picture

Status: Active » Fixed

This does exist, the path is /node/%/ical

frank005’s picture

Title: Export ics for a specific event? » Add iCal Graphic to Individual Events by default
Component: Documentation » User interface
Category: support » feature
Status: Fixed » Active

This is awesome, it does indeed work.

Could I suggest adding the iCal graphic in the bottom right to the individual event node by default (like it is on the month, week, etc. grids). I imagine it's just an adjustment to one of the themes. I'm exploring it, but I'm not good when it comes to these things, so you might beat me to it.

frank005’s picture

Status: Active » Needs work

Okay, I did two things. I couldn't figure out how to get the iCal graphic at the bottom of the page, but I manage to modify event-nodeapi.tpl.php in order to add it as an extra attribute. To do this I added this at the bottom of the file:

<div class="event-nodeapi">
    <div class="event-nodeapi"><label>Add to your Calendar (iCAL/ICS):</label> <a href="<?php print base_path()."node/".$nid."/ical"; ?>" title="Add this calendar to your iCalendar"><img src="<?php print base_path().drupal_get_path('module', 'event').'/images/ical16x16.gif'; ?>" alt="Add to iCalendar"  /></a></div>

Then, in event theme, I added this on the line after function template_preprocess_event_nodeapi(&$variables) {

$variables['nid'] = $variables['node']->nid;

So, what do you think, something that we could build into the default Event module?

Michael_Lessard_micles.biz’s picture

Issue summary: View changes

Awesome, can't wait to try it (ical per node).

Though most will logically use the new date/calendar modules, I hope someone will volunteer to maintain or update this older event.module

japerry’s picture

Status: Needs work » Closed (outdated)

Event for Drupal 8 is unrelated to older versions. If an issue similar to this one exists, please open a new issue with the 8.x branch.