This project is not covered by Drupal’s security advisory policy.

This module let's you implement the Abbila Semantic Search Engine created by Hoplo inside your Drupal project.

To use this module you'll need an Abbila sandbox, at the moment there are not available test sandbox, but Hoplo is about to provide some.

With this module you will be able to load your own onthologies, decide what content types to index inside the sandbox and thanks to full CCK support you'll be able to include all or just some of the CCK fields inside your content types.

Using Abbila features this module will also allow you to display a block inside your page containing links to semantic related contents inside your Drupal project.

This module use Drupal cron feature to index your Drupal project content inside abbila and you can decide how many nodes to index for each cron executed.
You can at any time decide to reindex your whole website, delete the index and manage your onthologies.

The Abbila module does an extensive use of watchdog, so you'll be able to see inside your Drupal logs if everything is going smooth or some problems are emerging.

For more information you can visit the Abbila website.

The module was developed by Sardegnait for the "Sardegna Consumatore" portal.

Project information
