• #2076593: Long Report Generation - Probable Timeout Initial Report Generation takes time and could possibly timeout when there are large number of sites on the subscription or when Cloud API is responding slow. Generate the report using Batch API. Fixed. Thanks to Albert for patching this.
  • Integrate Database Management and Triggering Backups..

Acquia Cloud Dashboard allows you to manage your Acquia Hosting from any Drupal Site.

You can use the Drupal Site hosted on Acquia, or a separate Drupal Site hosted elsewhere, to manage your Acquia Hosting.

How does it work?
Once the module is enabled, an "Acquia CLoud Report" page is made available which gives complete details about the Sites you have got, the various environments on your subscription, the databases, the servers etc. The report also allows you to manage various aspects of your Acquia Hosting (ex Domains) by providing appropriate links and forms.

What can be done through this module?
As of today, the module supports the below, besides providing a comprehensive report showing various aspects of your cloud hosting

  • Add / Delete Domain Names
  • Purge Varnish Caches
  • Add / Delete SSH Keys
  • View the Cloud Workflow Log

I can do all that from my Acquia Dashboard, why do I need this module?
In most of the cases, you would not require this module. This module will help you if you would like some of your employees or users to be able to do specific tasks. If you work with a Vendor or a Contractor and if you do not wish to add the contractor as a Technical Contact on your Acquia Hosting (because it gives him access to pretty much everything), you can setup a small portal with this module, giving him permissions to do specific tasks. (Ex: You would like the contractor to be able to add new domains and clear Varnish Caches but you would not like him to be able to delete domains accidentally or intentionally).

Access Control is going to be added to Acquia Hosting Dashboard pretty soon. This module can help you accomplish highly granular access control on your Acquia Hosting.

What do I need to be able to use this module?
You would require your Acquia Cloud API username and password. You can get this from your Acquia Cloud Dashboard.

So this module works through Cloud API? Isn't there a cap on the number of API calls that can be made to Cloud API?
Yes. This module works using Cloud API. The module caches the report generated for 60 mins by default. This duration can be changed from the module settings. The module shows when the report was last updated. And any user with the permission to manually update the report can do so as and when required.

Is there a way that I can add new databases or manage my SVN users, or backup my databases through this module?
As of today, the module is limited to managing domains, varnish caches, manage SSH Keys and View the report. If you would like new things to be added, log it in the issue queue. I would be glad to take that up.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Though I have put in good effort into this PET PROJECT to make this module good, it might not be of the same exceptionally high standards compared to other OFFICIAL Acquia Modules like Acquia Network Connector or Acquia Search.

The code-reviews for this module can be found at

This module was first developed by Tanay Sai at the Acquia Employee Hackathon in July 2013 at Boston. Currently maintained by Tanay Sai and Albert

Project information

  • Created by saitanay on , updated
  • shieldStable releases for this project are covered by the security advisory policy.
    Look for the shield icon below.
