Animal Kill Counter provides a block which displays a realtime counter of interesting data. By default it displays the number of livestock animals killed for food since the page loaded.


To use this module go to the admin/build/blocks page and add the "Animals Killed" block to any region of the page. Settings for the block appear on the block configuration form.


If these particular statistics aren't what you need, you can easily change the dataset to show any impressive statistic accumulating in realtime. Just open the Blocks admin page and configure the block with a different set of data.

Features include:

  • Re-entrant to support AJAX loading
  • Override CSS and/or use Theme CSS
  • Transparent background option
  • Customizable colors
  • Customizable update interval
  • Customizable dataset
  • Colorpicker integration

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This module was adapted with permission from the Animal Kill Counter by BeAutomated. Improvements include re-coding in jQuery and simplified html for faster performance.

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