This project is not covered by Drupal’s security advisory policy.

This is an installation profile for developing and testing the API module.


The build file will download and prepare a Drupal source tree containing the

  • Drupal 6.x core.
  • API module 6.x-1.x cloned from git.
  • Simpletest module including the required core patch and the optional “show
    fatal errors in tests” patch.
  • Grammar parser, autoload, ctools, devel, and drupal_queue modules.

The profile will enable the above modules and import some standard branch data used by the API module tests.


  • Drush 5.x (or an older version of drush and drush make).


drush make /path/to/ [target]

If you want to stop drush make from adding metadata to info files you should
invoke drush with the --no-gitinfofile option.

drush make --working-copy --no-gitinfofile --prepare-install --contrib-destination=sites/all /path/to/ [target]

Project information

  • Created by psynaptic on , updated
  • shield alertThis project is not covered by the security advisory policy.
    Use at your own risk! It may have publicly disclosed vulnerabilities.
