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Auto Admin is a module that automatically generates good looking, highly customizable administration pages.

Let Auto Admin build list, add, edit and delete pages for you using its Drush commands to generate configuration data. Then customize the text and form settings to your liking. One-to-many and many-to-one relationships are supported too!

Auto Admin is good at managing data for custom modules whose data structure does not fit as node types. It lets you get of the ground and writing "the fun stuff" really, really quick.

If you have questions, feedback or needs it to do something that it does not do already, please open an issue. Please check out the docs first though :)


  • 05-08-2011: Released a beta feature release at autoadmin 6.x-2.0-beta1. Please try it out and report any problems back to yours truly.
  • 01-26-2011: Releasing version 1.8 of Auto Admin that adresses issue #1039980 by jonhattan. Removing buggy cache mechanism.
  • 01-25-2011: Releasing version 1.5 of Auto Admin that adresses issue #876412 by rsevero. Status messages on create and change has been added, it is possible to catch the form_submit() hook and the primary key is provided in $form_state['values']['pk'].
  • 01-19-2011: Releasing version 1.4 of Auto Admin that fixes some bugs in regards to newer versions (4+) of Drush. Thanks rsevero and Po0ky for bug reports!
  • 12-22-2010: Some people are starting to ask about Drupal 7 support. At the moment I have no plans to port Auto Admin to Drupal 7. There are however plans for at some point in 2011 releasing an impressive set of improvements made by Eduard Drenth for the Drupal 6 version!
  • 08-04-2010: Auto Admin and I is glad to welcome it's first community committer fcedillo. Welcome aboard fcedillo!
  • 08-03-2010: New 1.3 release that fixes issue #832588 and issue #855920, as well as a minor bug in the list view. A big thanks to fcedillo for patches! Notice that spaces in drush commands has been replaced by dashes. E.g. "drush autoadmin generate" is now "drush autoadmin-generate".
  • 02-20-2010: New 1.2 release that fixes issue #699864. And a big thank you to aenw for making some improvements to the docs!
  • 12-29-2009: Happy holidays everyone! I can see a few people has started using Auto Admin which makes me happy. Would love to get some feedback about what was easy/hard/good/sucky to improve the experience for future users.
  • 12-07-2009: Added a handbook section. Please let me know if you notice any errors.
  • 12-07-2009: Version 1.1 is out. Fixes an E_NOTICE and makes is possible to use core drupal tables in has-one relationships. You could ie. have an {employe} table that has a has-one relationship with the {users} table. To make the generate script autodiscover this relationship, name the database field "users_uid" (tablename_primarykeyname).
  • 12-06-2009: Version 1.0 is out. Wauw took a while but I think it looks really good. Be aware that there are minor but crucial changes to the configuration schema compared to the previous release. See handbooks for more info. Handbooks will be up soon. If you have feedback or questions, PLEASE contact me. This is my baby, so I will give as much support as needed:)
  • 11-23-2009: Working on the last tuneups for the 1.0 release. It looks good and the drush integration is very nice. Its taken me a long time to get this done due to work, but now its (real) close, I promise :)


  • Automatic generation of pages for Create, Read, Update and Delete (CRUD) operations.
  • Sortable, Paginated list page. Edit page with form elements and save, delete and cancel buttons. Delete page with confirmation.
  • Drush commands that generates or updates .install files and autoadmin config files automatically by inspecting the database schema.
  • Fine grained permissions for each table and each CRUD operation.
  • Configurable.
  • Possibility of overwriting form elements on the edit page.
  • Field titles are generated from columns names in the database and are correctly pluralized.
  • Automatic detection of relations based on naming conventions.
  • One-to-many and one-to-one relationships.
  • Cascading deletes (only one level).
  • Everything is managed outside the database. Upload your files and it works.
  • 178 functional tests all in all.
  • Compatible with E_ALL|E_STRICT.


Requires drush.
1) Install:

$ drush dl autoadmin schema
$ drush install autoadmin

2) Create tables in the database.
3) Make sure the module you want to generate Auto Admin schema files for is enabled.
4) Generate files from tables:

$ drush autoadmin-generate [MODULE] [TABLE 1] [TABLE 2] ... [TABLE N] --write

5) Browse to "admin/content" and start adding data.

Known Issues

  • None a.t.m.


Auto Admin depends on the Schema module. For a table to work with Auto Admin it needs:

  • A primary auto-incrementing integer field.
  • That all relationship fields are integers.


Auto Admin is developed by Rune Kaagaard (_rune) and partly sponsored by my employer Prescriba.

Project information
