Note for Drush-User

You need to download OAuth manually. See #2148773: Create dummy module oauth.

  • Provides a services resource, which in turn can be accessed by the bassets server
  • Uses the services resource of the bassets server
  • Keeps the bassets server informed when a file is being deleted
  • Keeps a record about which bassets server (services client connection) provided a file
  • Serves as an interface between the service resource and the Bassets Stream Wrapper, so that the stream wrapper can forward a file to Drupal.


Bassets Client has the following dependencies,
the correct versions and necessary patches of the required modules can be found in the Makefile.

Contained Features and Their Dependencies

Bassets Client - Demo
Ready to use demo content type to try out Bassets.

Bassets Client - Entity View Mode
Provides view modes for the image bundle of the file entity

Bassets Client - Image Metadata

Bassets Client - Media
Provides a modified version of the default media browser view.

Bassets Client - Oauth (Deprecated ?)

Bassets Client - Services

Bassets client - WYSIWYG
WYSIWYG settings.


After the initial installation and the basic configuration of the site the setup of the mutual Oauth authentication via Bassets Setup will be started.


Project information
