This project is not covered by Drupal’s security advisory policy.


The goal of this module is help the companies that use Case Tracker module to organize the development tasks giving more vision in how the time is spend.

After install and test many time trackers I found many interesting concepts but nothing that reach what we are expecting. There are so many modules but unfortunately some of them are unmaintained and doesn't provide a hooks to make possible the extension of the features without hack the contrib module.

Main goals of this time tracker:

  • Make an extensible module providing hooks to react to the main events of the timers (stop and start)
  • Give a configurable set of rules to adapt the use of the timers better to each corporation philosophy. More or less strict (depends on configuration).
  • Estimations and timings are dependent, if you want to meter the time probably is because you want to make better forecasts of features deliveries.
  • Total integration with Views with custom handlers providing a variety of reports to analyse easily the spend time
  • One click interface, we believe which the successful in the use of task timing is to make easy to timing. Then we provide a widget block to start and stop a timing. Easy as one click
  • Introduce an interesting concept of timing context. All the tasks have many contexts until to finish and many participants that interact in many task contexts. We add to each timing one context: execution, write, read, think, deploy, review, meeting, etc. Is possible to detect each context if the development process and the case states are well defined.


  • Case tracker timing, store timings for the case nodes
  • Case tracker estimations, store estimations of the cases for each person that participate in the task
  • Views integration, create your own Case tracker timing and estimations report .

Project information

  • Created by citlacom on , updated
  • shield alertThis project is not covered by the security advisory policy.
    Use at your own risk! It may have publicly disclosed vulnerabilities.
