
module cctags - as an alternative to module tagadelic.

flexible configuration and advanced features for theming clouds.
(individual files of templates for tags, the names of the dictionary, pages clouds)

Possibility (in settings include several dictionaries (as for dictionaries with tree structure - in addition to enable / disable the desired level)) tags.
Automatic generation of the required number of blocks and / or pages.
Generation unit of Tag attached to the node.
Generation of block-related materials for the node (via tags)
Cloud members users (block and page) (with weights proportional to the number of published material)

Drupal 7.x

The new version of the module under Drupal 7 .*
The differences from the version of the module for Drupal 6.
Removed and not characteristic of under-utilized for this module features:
1. Building blocks and pages of cloud users.
2. Building blocks of materials related terms.
3. Purification of the dictionaries are not the terms used.
The work on the module code compatibility with the version of PHP> = 5.3

Project information
