This project is not covered by Drupal’s security advisory policy.

This module attempts to provide a compatibility layer between the old CiviCRM 1.0 API and the new CiviCRM 2.0/3.0 API.

Only install this module if you are using CiviCRM 2.0+ and if a CiviCRM module depends on it.

The module is currently seeking a maintainer who can bring it to a stable release (see below). As I have outlined in #816366: Seeking new maintainer, I am not certain it is still necessary.

It is being used by the civinode (see #230103) module. It was also being used by the send module, but, to the best of my knowledge, it is not anymore. It is not used by the new 6.x version of the CiviCRM Subscribe module.

If you know of other modules depending on this module, please add them to this list: #922748: Create complete list of modules depending on this module (both in 5.x & 6.x), and I will add them to the project page, and advise them to upgrade their code to use the new CiviCRM API.

Seeking new maintainer

Since this module will no longer be needed by the 6.x branch of the CiviCRM Subscribe, and I no longer have any sites running 5.x, I don't have a compelling personal reason for working on it, and thus am seeking a maintainer who needs to use it for compatibility with CiviNode or another module, and so is in a better position to test patches.

Since the Drupal 6 version of CiviCRM is nearing the end of its life, this module will shortly be considered completely unsupported.

For Module Developers:

1. This is an API module that requires (minimal) change to your CiviCRM-dependent module.

The only change you need to make in your code is to replace calls to civicrm_initialize() to civicrm20_initialize().

However, if you wish to support it, it is recommended that you do something like:

function yourmodule_civicrm_initialize() {
  if (function_exists('civicrm20_initialize')) {
  else {

Then replace all calls to civicrm_initialize() with calls to yourmodule_civicrm_initialize().

2. New modules should be written using the most recent CiviCRM API, but this module provides a quick way to upgrade to CiviCRM 2.0 with minimal effort. Note that CiviCRM 2.0 is not actually the most recent version of their API.

Project information

  • caution Seeking new maintainer
    The current maintainers are looking for new people to take ownership.
  • caution Obsolete
    Use of this project is deprecated.
  • Module categories: Integrations
  • Created by douggreen on , updated
  • shield alertThis project is not covered by the security advisory policy.
    Use at your own risk! It may have publicly disclosed vulnerabilities.
