Clean comments is a plug & play module that cleans up the display of comments for usability and readabilty of the comment threads.

How it works

Clean comments adds a small js file (clean_comments.js) to every page load.

For now it only hides the comment links (delete, edit, reply, etc), and when the user hovers over the comment, it toggles the links visibility.

The height of the comment block element is set through JS inline at the begining in order to avoid jumping when toggling the links visiblity.

The selector for the comments is hardcoded to '#comments div.comment', which is what Drupal renders by default. I don't normaly see this rendered in any other way, so for now we don't include a setting to configure this. Feel free to open a feature request if you have a usecase for it.

Although the js file could be added only if there are comments in the page, the module adds it to the normal bundle. This is beacause it would make your users have download different bundles of js files which would impact frontend performance more than just adding a few lines more to the standard aggregated js file.

How to use it

Simply install the module as usual.

For now there are no settings to configure.

Suggestions, feature requests, and any other input is highly welcome, see you in the issue queue!

Project information
