cm_slideshow implemented on

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The Community Media Slideshow is designed to be used with the Community Media Theme and is part of the Community Media Starter Kit distributions.

This module is maintained by Daniel Westergren (westis) of Open Channel Växjö in Växjö, Sweden as part of the CMDrupal project. It is designed to be used with other modules included in the Community Media Start Kit (Easy). Consider joining the growing community who have made a commitment to contribute.

You can see different versions of the Community Media Slideshow and Community Media Theme on these sites:

Changing image dimensions

Slide dimensions are set by image styles (admin/config/media/image-styles). The beta3 version is using the Picture module for responsive images and use the following default image styles: cm_slideshow_mobile (scaled and cropped to 780x325px), cm_slideshow_narrow (scaled and cropped to 960x400px) and cm_slideshow_wide (scaled and cropped to 1200x500px).

Which image is used is set by breakpoints (admin/config/media/breakpoints/groups/cm_theme_zen). Larger window size than 60em (about 960px) uses cm_slideshow_wide, 48.25em to 60em (about 772px - 960px) uses cm_slideshow_narrow and smaller than 48.25em (about 772px) uses cm_slideshow_mobile.


If you are upgrading from earlier versions than beta3, you may have to set the following manually:

  • Make sure that the breakpoints are ordered from larger to smaller in admin/config/media/breakpoints/groups/cm_theme_zen.
  • Make sure that the image field in the slideshow view is using the Picture formatter and the Slideshow picture mapping.

Project information
