
Comment Field provides a field that can hold simple comments. It holds the uid of the author, timestamp, and body (comment text). The display is configurable, making it possible not to display the author (for example, in cases where the author is always the same) or timestamp.

This allows administrators to leave simple comments on entities such as
orders, and possibly for users to comment back (if they have the permission to edit the field).

Other very convenient use case for this module is for keeping a simple record log of activities/events associated with an entity or node, e.g. sales people may keep track here of customer phone calls and/or interactions related to a product/item.

Note that all editing is done on the edit form, new comments can't be added from the view page.

Features in the 7.x-1.2 release

  • Field display and new comment form are now collapsible.
  • Comments count optionally displayed.
  • Feeds 2.x support.
  • Search API support.
  • Several fixes from 7.x-1.1 release (see CHANGELOG.txt for the details).

The module doesn't aim to be a full comments solution, which would require comments as entities, threaded views, anonymous commenting, etc. Please consider for that the use of the built-in core comments feature or other contrib modules.

Alternative modules: Reply (full entity-based comments replacement) or Message (perfect for the activity stream use case, order comments posted by admins and customers, which is the use case this module was used for).

Supporting organizations: 

Project information
