
The point of this module is to make it easy for a user to see which node or nodes display a particular Commerce product.

This is achieved by altering the default Commerce module 'Products' view (admin/structure/views/view/commerce_products/edit), adding a field listing the IDs of nodes that reference each product listed by the view, and also by adding a fieldset listing links to any product display node(s) to the product edit page (admin/commerce/products/<product_id>).

See the attached screen shots for examples.

The module also amends the "Line Items" View and "Line item manager" product line item "Title" values to link to the Commerce product. This is configurable via the module configuration page, accessible via "Store" -> "Configuration" -> "Commmerce product node link settings".

The module was created to help Commerce product administrators be able to easily see where/how the products they are administering are displayed on their site, without having to do separate searches for each listed product display node(s).

Relationships between products and their display nodes are persisted throughout any node type/product reference field (re)configuration, including deletion of fields and addition of new ones.


  • Drupal Commerce

Known problems

This module alters the default Drupal Commerce 'Products' view (admin/structure/views/view/commerce_products/edit). If you have already altered that view, the 'Display node IDs' field this module adds, will need adding manually via the Views UI.

  • /admin/structure/views/view/commerce_products/edit
  • Fields
  • Add
  • Commerce Product: Display node ID(s) (Display node ID(s))

For developers

This module adds another property to the Commerce product entity, 'display_node_ids', which is an array of which node IDs are configured to display the product. The view alteration is achieved with the help of a custom entity views field handler.

If required, you can access the property added to the Commerce product entity programatically, in the following manner:

  $product_id = 1;
  $product_wrapper = entity_metadata_wrapper('commerce_product', $product_id);
  $display_node_ids = $product_wrapper->display_node_ids->value();
  foreach ($display_node_ids as $nid) {
    print 'nid: ' . $nid;

Project information
