content dependency | entity dependency | node edit
content dependency | entity dependency | content dependency example close
content dependency | entity dependency | content dependency example1 - open cont
content dependency | entity dependency | content dependency example2 - open user
Very useful in Drupal 7. However, this module isn't yet available in Drupal 8. For that release, either set up your own view, or help with a migration into Drupal 8 to provide the same convenience we had in Drupal 7

Provides ability to view reversed referrals/references for content of entity reference & references - node_reference modules, etc.

Generally, this project enables content authors to see from any current content (entity) its dependent entities content.

Project overcome a major content control difficulty for content authors.

Provide content authors ability to track external content which refers to current content, without the need to check mass of external content to find out whether each external content refers to current content or not.

Content dependency main advantages:

  • Easily manage content dependencies - you can view/update for each content entity it's dependent entities from one places.
  • Backward Compatibility - You can install this module & start use it without need to perform any change in your content structure.
  • External Modules Compatibility - Current project supports entity reference & references - node_reference with option to expand to many other external modules
  • External content permissions modules support - supports entity access permissions, therefore project supports automatically many content permissions modules, such as content access, organic groups,etc.
  • API support - you can use several hooks to manipulate and/or control current project behavior.
  • Nice UI - Content Dependency section appears with a small nice UI within each entity which have dependent external content

You can enable this module, then enter to domain/node/NUMBER/edit & you'll see a "Content Dependency" tab.

Content dependency images example:

Content Structure

There are 10 entities of different entity types which refer to some entity (node) with a title "test title":

  • 4 nodes of content type "animal".
  • 3 nodes of content type "furniture".
  • 1 taxonomy term.
  • 2 users.
Images Brief

Image #1 is just an example of node/NUMBER/edit page.
Image #2 is an example of "Content Dependency" tab results with all dependent content categories.
Image #3 is an example of "Content Dependency" tab with an open category of some node:content type.
Image #4 is an example of "Content Dependency" tab with an open category of user. (display all user which refer to current entity)

Installation steps:

  1. Download module, place it under relevant modules folder and enable it.
  2. Configure module permissions (go to your domain path "/admin/people/permissions", then search for "content dependency" and save your relevant permissions).
  3. That's it! Now, you can see what module does, just enter to your domain path "/node/NUMBER/edit" and you see "Content Dependency" tab (just verify you have some entity reference and/or node reference that refer to this entity (node) (when there will be dependent entities to current entity (node), you will be able to see results under "Content Dependency" tab).

** Please send me any comments for this modules if you have any.

Project information
