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For Export Content To YAML file and import To Database.
Add PATH CONTENT here : admin/config/content_export_yaml/setting
For export : one Entity such node,block_content , term become one YAML file .
For import : if Entity ID is exist in Database , it will be replace .
The export process is not export the reference field and Image field
Quick drush command
Update content_export_yaml module : drush dl content_export_yaml-8.x-2.8
Manager Content Export is ready on content_export_yaml 8.x-2.8
drush en manager_content_export_yaml

Want to support the development of this module?

Buy me a coffee ☕️


  1. - For export all
  2. drush cex-node [bundle] all or drush cex-block [block_type] all or drush cex-term [vid] all
    for example : drush cex-node article all

  3. - For export single
  4. drush cim-node [bundle] [filename]
    for example : drush cex-node article 23

  5. - For export by range IDs
  6. drush cim-node [bundle]
    for example : drush cex-node article


  1. - For import all
  2. drush cim-node [bundle] all or drush cim-block [block_type] all or drush cim-term [vid] all
    for example : drush cim-node article all

  3. - For import single
  4. drush cim-node [bundle] [filename]
    for example : drush cim-node article 23

  5. - For import by range IDs
  6. drush cim-node [bundle]
    for example : drush cim-node article

For content_export_yaml 8.x-2.10 , service is available

- Manage your YAML files exported and import via backend
URL : /admin/config/content_export_yaml

For content_export_yaml 8.x-2.3 , service is available

- Content export can export and import all Drupal Entity sush as menu_link_content , user ,...
drush cex-entity [ENTITYPE] [BUNDLE] all
drush cim-entity [ENTITYPE] [BUNDLE] all

       $export = \Drupal::service('content_export_yaml.manager');
       $result  = $export->export(1,'block_content','basic');
       $result  = $export->import(1,'block_content','basic');


For content_export_yaml 8.x-1.6

New Features :
- Export Content (Node - Block Content - Terms - ...) Via Views Operation Bulk using Views Bulk Operations (VBO)

For content_export_yaml 8.x-1.9 , service is available

    $export = \Drupal::service('content_export_yaml.manager');
    $result  = $export->importBlockAll('basic');    // required param block type
    $result  = $export->importNode(1,'article');    // required param id , type
    $result  = $export->exportTerm(1);  // required param id
   /**Custom Path **/
    $options['path'] = '/sites/default/files/export';
    $result  = $export->importBlockAll('basic',$options);
    $result  = $export->exportTermAll('tags',$options);
    $result  = $export->exportNode(1,$options);

Project information
