The main content listing screen and filter, as seen on Droptopia

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The Content Finder provides a simple method for users to find site content. The goal of this module is to provide a useful but simple tool to quickly find content as an editor. Rather than using a big form, we use a single search field with search axes.

The Content Finder provides a simple method for users to find site content. The goal of this module is to provide a useful but simple tool to quickly find content as an editor. Rather than using a big form, we use a single search field with search axes.

How to search

Enter text to search by title. You can also use search axes for type, status, created, createdafter, and createdbefore. Examples:

  • A search for at returns all nodes with "at" in the title.
  • A search for type:page returns all nodes of type "page".
  • A search for status:published at returns all published nodes with "at" in the title.
  • A search for createdafter:4/8/2011 returns all nodes created after April 8th, 2011.
  • A search for status:published createdafter:4/8/2011 at returns all published nodes with "at" in the title related after April 8th, 2011.

Future awesomesauce

I welcome any ideas (read: patches) for new features. Feature ideas include:

  • Additional axes for body, user, role, taxonomy
  • Auto-complete for axis names and axis parameters
  • Report on axis errors
  • Translate the search query back to the user, in plain english
  • Support for Drupal 7
  • Limited result count with a FogBugz style "Show all"
  • CCK field support
  • Bulk support (publish, delete, etc)

Alternative module

The excellent Content Management Filter module (CMF) is a great way to make finding content easy. Content Finder isn't trying to replace CMF (nor does it). Rather, I am trying to take a different approach than CMF.

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Project information
