Context Cache is module which lets you control caching and expiration through Context. For example, for one content type you can set its cache for two hours while for another content type you can set it for 30 minutes. In another use-case you can set an expiration of five minutes for the homepage and 30 minutes for any page in the news section. In case you use an external cache this module sets the proper headers for expiration.



  • If using Drush, "drush dl context_cache" and then "drush en context_cache" otherwise unpack, place and enable just like any other module.
  • Navigate to Administration » Configuration » Development » Performance (admin/config/development/performance) and make sure page cache is enabled if you're looking to control your Drupal cache with this module. If you are using an external cache you don't need to enable page caching.
  • Navigate to Administration » Structure » Context (admin/structure/context) and click on a context or create a new one. Under Reactions the Add Reaction pull-down menu will give you a new option, Cache.
  • Add the Cache reaction to a context. The "Internal" option controls Drupal's page cache and the "External" option sets the proper headers for an external cache, while "Disabled" disables page caching and sends strict headers to prevent caching (no-cache/must-revalidate). The Cache Lifetime field lets you select the duration of the cache, internal and external.

Project information
