Example of the event countdown block

Countdown event


This module that allows you to select a date and time and then renders a block to show the days, hours, mins and seconds decreasing until the event.
It allows non technical drupal users options to colour the countdown label text, countdown numbers and countdown background to suit their website colour scheme. You can also add your own countdown label text.


  • Countdown to a future date / time displayed in days, hours, minutes and seconds.
  • A countdown label can be added, ie 'Countdown to new year:'.
  • Countdown labels, numbers and background colours can be set in the block configuration.
  • No jquery libraries are used, only simple javascript to ensure compatability with most browsers.


This module requires the Date module.

Drupal 8 dev version does not require Date module, D8 uses datelist field.

Similar projects

https://drupal.org/project/jquery_countdown_timer - this module only goes up to 99 days in the countdown.

https://drupal.org/project/countdown - this module's countdown only refreshes when the page reloads and doesn't show a continuous countdown in seconds.

https://drupal.org/project/jquery_countdown - this module doesn't allow for color styling by non technical users and doesn't seem to work in earlier IE browsers.

Known problems

None as yet.


The development of this module is sponsored by Dirty Code Design

Project information
