
This project is not covered by Drupal’s security advisory policy.

This project is no longer maintained as the 3rd party service it relied upon is now defunct. This project maybe of use as a reference for other similar modules.

Dixerit creates a high-quality audio version of your web content in real-time.

This module allows Dixerit text to speech functionality to be integrated into your Drupal website. Using progressive enhancement this module will render a link to the dixerit service and optionally a flash audio player.

How It Works

Dixerit is made available to your users via a link:

<a href="http://voice.dixerit.com/[CUSTOMER_NAME]dix?url=[URL]" class="DIXERIT_REMOVE" accesskey="L" target="dixerit">Listen to this page</a>

  • [CUSTOMER_NAME] is your personalized customer name. It has been configured to work just with your website or set of sites.
  • [URL] is the full, url-encoded URL of the page to be read.
  • <-- DIXERIT_START --> and <-- DIXERIT_STOP --> are inserted within each node body, this is the content which will be read aloud by Dixerit.



    Project information
