NOTE: This is not a module, it's a simple javascript library to interact with services endpoints. It has no dependencies, and is really lightweight.

This can be used to integrate your Drupal site with a phonegap (Apache cordova) app.


var drupal = new drupalService();
drupal.url = '';
drupal.method = 'node.json';

That would give you the front page in json.

To log in:

var drupal = new drupalService();
// Set URL to your services endpoint.
drupal.url = '';
// Set method to a services resource.
drupal.method = 'user/login.json';
// Set data to what you want to send (if anything).
// This example is sending username and password for logging in. = {
  'username': 'admin',
  'password': 'admin'
// Set callback to do something when you are done.
drupal.callback = function(data) {
// Optionally set drupal.error to be an error callback. Syntax as above.
// In the end, either post or get (depending on what you are doing). Let's post this.;

A more advanced example with posting images in nodes:

var file = new drupalService();
file.url = 'http://dcoslo/endpoint';
// Data object for a file entity. = {
  'filename': 'test.png'
file.method = 'file.json';
file.callback = function(data) {
  // Initialize new ajax request in callback function.
  var node = new drupalService();
  node.url = 'http://dcoslo/endpoint';
  node.method = 'node.json';
  // This data object is the node object. = {
    'title': 'node test med bilde',
    // Node type is article in this case.
    'type': 'article',
    // The image field is called field_image
    'field_image': {
      // I really hate seeing 'und' in code, but quick example here.
      'und': {
        0: {
          // data.fid is the file id we got from first ajax request.
          'fid': data.fid
  node.callback= function(data) {
    // Just logging the data from posting the node.
  // Post in the callback function (the node).;
// Post the file.;

Project information

  • Created by eiriksm on , updated
  • shieldStable releases for this project are covered by the security advisory policy.
    Look for the shield icon below.
