This project is not covered by Drupal’s security advisory policy.

EazyEdit provides in-place edit links when hovering over objects like blocks, nodes, or comments, and provides a view field for adding EazyEdit links to nodes in views. Features include:

  • in-place links for blocks - edit block, edit menu, edit view
  • in-place links for nodes - edit node, edit node type, publish/unpublish node
  • in-place links for comments - edit comment, publish/unpublish comment
  • views field integration - EazyEdit links can be made to appear for each node in a view simply by adding the EazyEdit field to your view
  • clicking a link takes your directly to the edit page and returns you to your previous destination on submit
  • disable EazyEdit on individual blocks or node types by checkbox on edit pages
  • hide EazyEdit temporarily on a page by clicking the 'x' link. Sometimes hover links appear over other things you need to click. This gets EazyEdit out of your way.
  • EazyEdit attaches itself to the $content variable of nodes and blocks which makes it automatically appear in most themes. If for some reason you don't use $content in your theme, you can inject EazyEdit directly using $node->eazyedit or $block->eazyedit

Known Limitations

In order to reveal EazyEdit links correctly, the module looks for common class names on container DOM elements (like block, node, comment, views-row). If you remove these classes from the theme, EazyEdit links may not display properly.

If your container DOM element is a TR (table row), EazyEdit links will not display properly because position:relative does not work on TR elements. This will be the case if you add EazyEdit to a view with a display of type Table and use the default views table tpl. If anyone has ideas on how to work around this, please let me know.

Development of this module sponsored by VML.

Project information
