Editing a node with Editarea

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Editarea provides replacement of plain text boxes with the EditArea javascript code editor, making the editing of code directly in a web browser much more reasonable.

In addition to text box replacement, this module provides a script for creating a "Drupal PHP" syntax-highlighting file from your local Drupal installation.

The work is based heavily on the FCKEditor module.

From the Editarea website:

Here is EditArea, a free javascript editor for source code. (That is no way a WYSIWYG editor).
This editor is designed to edit souce code files in a textarea. The main goal is to allow text formatting, search and replace and real-time syntax highlight (for small text).

This editor is free and freely distributable (released under LGPL license). All I ask is that I receive credit for my work. I will also enjoy to receive mail to tell me if you're using it, just in order to have an idea of how much this editor is used. ;-)

Main features:

  • Easy to integrate, only one script include and one function call
  • Tabulation support (allow to write well formated source code)
  • Search and replace (with regexp)
  • Customizable real-time syntax highlighting (currently: PHP, CSS, Javascript, Python, HTML, XML, VB, C, CPP, SQL, Pascal, Basic, Brainf*ck)
  • Auto-indenting new lines
  • Line numerotation
  • Multilanguage support (currently: Croatian, Danish, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Portuguese)
  • Possible PHP gzip compression (compress the 12 core files to one file of ~20Ko)
  • Allow multiple instances
  • Full screen mode
  • Possible plugin integration
  • Possible save and load callback functions
  • Possible dynamic content management
  • Can work in the same environment than "protype" and "mootools"'s like libraries.

Current limitations:

  • automatic focus on the textarea on page load.
  • slow when editing huge files (javascript is not a fast language).
  • only one syntax language at the same time (no html and php syntax highlight at the same time).

Project information
