Emphasis usage example
Emphasis field formatter configuration
Emphasis general administrative configuration

Emphasis provides dynamic paragraph-specific anchor links and the ability to highlight text in a document, all of which is made available in the URL hash so it can be emailed, bookmarked, or shared.

In Drupal terms, Emphasis provides a simple field formatter that can be applied to any text field on any Drupal entity. When the field is viewed, it will load the New York Times' Emphasis javascript library to the page.

When the Emphasis JS is active, users can click on individual paragraphs and sentences to highlight them and receive a "deep linking" URL, which can then be shared. When another user visits the page using the shared URL, they'll see the very same text highlighted.

Setup and configuration for the Emphasis module couldn't be simpler: download the module, download the Javascript library from the Times' GitHub page, and select the formatter for the fields of your choice. It's unobtrusive, only appearing when users double-tap the shift key.

For more information and examples please go to this blog post:


  • Integration with ShareThis
  • Configurable Emphasis jQuery selector
  • Configurable Emphasis trigger key
  • Open Graph metatag integration
  • Option to ScrollTo emphasized text


Project information
