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Entity Auto Complete provides:

  • autocompete_paths for all entity types that define a label
  • "entity_autocomplete" form element

Autocomplete paths

The path is:

To restrict by bundle use:
where bundles is a '+' separated list of bundles.

Each item is returned as

Entity Autocomplete also provides a function for extacting the id

Form element

There are 2 available options:

  • '#entity_type': The entity type [default to "node"]
  • '#bundles': An array of bundle machine name [optional]

The element has a validation process to ensure the submitted entity ID is valid. The returned value is the entity ID.

Modules with similar features

The Entity Reference Autocomplete provides almost similar features.

Stable version

A stable version will be released as soon as the issue #1867628: Add tags to the queries for access control is fixed.

This project is sponsored by Phase2 Technology and by MaPS System.

Project information
