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This module provides a simple export/import functionality for entity translations. If your site’s translation is based on Entity Translation then you can manage the translations of taxonomy terms, nodes and products via a CSV file, reducing the overall translation time.

If you have a large scale website with countless taxonomy terms, vocabularies and languages, it is almost impossible to update all entities through the slow UI process. You need to spend at least 30" for every single taxonomy term, for each language. On the other hand, if you use "Entity Translation Export/Import" you can easily export the values of the translatable fields that you want to translate, then you can edit the CSV file and finally you can import the file back, leaving the module to do the rest of the job.


  1. Let the user choose which language to export (Now the CSV contains all languages).
  2. The module now supports only text fields. So need to add support for other fields.

Installation & Setup

  1. Install required modules Commerce Product Option and Commerce Product Attributes.
  2. Enable the module from the Modules Admin Page.
  3. Start using the module at Configuration » Regional and language » Entity translation.

This module is under development. Please, provide your feedback and report bugs in the issue queue.

This module is being developed and sponsored by Netstudio.

Project information
