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Field form module adds input form elements as field to any fieldable entities such as node, user and taxonomy term to your Drupal site. Text field, radio buttons, check boxes, select list (single/multi selection), text area and date are the available input form elements for Fields in Core. Field form can be used as questionnaire or inquiry that asks for a reply. Submissions are stored in a database and are presented as table using the powerful data presentation feature of the Views module.

The event of upon Field form submission of a user is tied to Trigger module which can be associated with system action such as "Display a message to the user...", "Send e-mail..." and "Redirect to URL..." with exposed tokens:


Field form adds additional vocabulary to your taxonomy with one sample term named "Class" which can be used to group, sort or filter in Views module.


Field form is being developed by Roland Michael dela Peña (arpeggio) of Webfoobar. The author may be contacted for paid customisations of this module, Drupal consultation/installation/optimization or other Drupal-related projects.

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