This module allows site administrators to add additional HTML attributes to the wrapping markup on any field in the Manage Display settings page.


The field formatter attributes settings are found in the Manage display tab for content types, users, and other entities. A options element is available for each field formatter, revealed by using the formatter settings edit button (Gear wheel icon) for that field.

Why use this module?

This module is good if - for example - you need a quick & dirty way of adding microdata attributes to fields. A better solution to this problem is found in the Microdata module, but most field formatters are not yet supported. *edit: An even better solution to this problem is the module which, while not technically supporting the recommended microdata format on, uses RDFa 1.0 which all the search engines support nicely.


  • Field formatter settings: Provides the low-level API needed to alter formatter's settings forms,
  • Options element: Provides the form element used to allow admins to specify additional HTML attributes.

Related projects

This module is based on the Field Formatter Class module. It has simply been extended to allow arbitrary attribute name/values to be added. For technical reasons this module does not support the 'class' attribute. The Field formatter class module should be used if you need to add extra classes.

Project information
