Form flow provides a simple way for you to create multi-step forms.

Site-wide forms can be joined together into a single flow. When a user reaches the final stage of a form flow, all the forms are submitted.

These flows can be created programmatically via hook_default_flows(), or an admin UI is provided to build flows.

You can customise the flow settings:

  • Title
  • Paths (the flow path and cancel & finish redirect paths)
  • Menu (define a menu item for the flow)
  • Trail (show a trail at the top)
  • Buttons (show cancel, back & finish buttons)

If the field group module is installed, a new group of type formflow is created allowing you to break fieldable forms into steps.

Development of this module was carried out by Ben Scott for the Scratchpads project and funded by ViBRANT.



Recommended modules

Field group

Project information
