There will be no further development of this module as the Forrst service no longer exists.

Display your latest Forrst snaps on your Drupal website.

What is Forrst?

Forrst helps you improve your craft as a developer or designer. Share your work, get feedback, and grow.

For more information, visit


  • Specify the number of snaps to display (between 1 and 3).
  • You can choose to ingore the CSS included in this module and create your own.


  • Since you are displaying "Your" Forrst snaps, then you should have a Forrst account.
  • The JSON PHP extension needs to be installed on your server.


  1. Enable the 'Forrst' module.
  2. Go to the 'Forrst' settings page 'admin/settings/forrst'.
  3. Enter your Forrst username and the No. of Snaps you would like to display and Save the configuration.
  4. Go to Structure -> Blocks (admin/structure/block).
  5. Place the 'Forrst' block into your desired region.


Creators of Forrst for starting and continuing to grow a great community (

Project information
