Displaying 12401 - 12450 of 21199
Title Status Priority Category Version Component Replies Last updatedsort ascending Assigned to Created
Introduce a 'list' FormElement with '#sortable' property Active Normal Feature request 11.x-dev forms system 7 3 years 5 months 3 years 5 months
Detecting block type where are "This block is broken or missing" Needs work Normal Feature request 11.x-dev block.module 27 3 years 5 months 5 years 11 months
The user.page route only redirects, so remove it Needs work Major Task 11.x-dev user system 22 3 years 5 months 9 years 6 months
[meta] Preserving auto-increment IDs on migration is fragile Active Major Plan 11.x-dev migration system 60 3 years 5 months 7 years 10 months
Move PostgreSQL-specific views logic to the postgres database driver Active Normal Task 11.x-dev views.module 8 3 years 5 months 3 years 5 months
Delay calling hook_modules_installed() and hook_themes_installed() during site install Active Normal Task 11.x-dev base system 6 3 years 5 months 3 years 5 months
Per language settings (vs translated settings) are not directly supported Active Normal Feature request 11.x-dev config_translation.module 38 3 years 5 months 9 years 10 months
Document that hook_form_alter not called after a form fails validation Active Normal Bug report 7.x-dev forms system 95 3 years 5 months 14 years 3 months
Some modules in /modules/contrib others in /contrib directory Active Normal Feature request 11.x-dev extension system 13 3 years 5 months 6 years 5 months
Include "Explanation or submission guidelines" in media types Active Normal Feature request 11.x-dev media system 7 3 years 5 months 3 years 5 months
Form element & Form element label theming is broken Needs work Major Bug report 7.x-dev theme system 94 3 years 5 months 13 years 2 weeks
Workspace UI usability review Active Major Task 11.x-dev workspaces.module 26 3 years 5 months 6 years 7 months
LanguageNegotiationUrlFallback should use content language for TYPE_URL fallback Needs work Normal Bug report 11.x-dev language.module 12 3 years 5 months 4 years 9 months
Visually separate change authors from change description on release notes pages Active Minor Feature request 11.x-dev other 7 3 years 5 months 3 years 5 months
entity delete incorrrectly throws a TransactionNoActiveException when path module is enabled but path_alias table is missing Active Normal Bug report 11.x-dev entity system 6 3 years 5 months 3 years 5 months
drupal 7 synchronisation real time between folder default/files Active Major Task 7.x-dev cron system 1 3 years 5 months 3 years 5 months
Missing cache context languages:language_url when path prefix is an empty string Needs work Normal Bug report 11.x-dev language system 20 3 years 5 months 4 years 1 month
Vastly simplify creation of new content entity types in code Active Normal Feature request 11.x-dev entity system 11 3 years 5 months 3 years 7 months
Have a more specific exception for menu links than generic pluginException (maybe two) Needs work Minor Task 11.x-dev menu system 30 3 years 5 months 9 years 9 months
Lower watchdog severity of missing text formats Needs review Normal Task 7.x-dev filter.module 5 3 years 5 months 12 years 10 months
Improve clearing the Twig cache Active Normal Task 11.x-dev theme system 12 3 years 5 months 5 years 10 months
Use autocomplete="current-password" on current password field Active Normal Feature request 11.x-dev user.module 6 3 years 5 months 3 years 5 months
Testing issue for pgsql_fallback Needs work Normal Task 11.x-dev postgresql db driver 32 3 years 5 months 4 years 1 day
Functions to load user by name or email should be case insensitive Active Major Bug report 11.x-dev user.module 23 3 years 5 months 6 years 11 months
Unique Key documentation missing Active Normal Bug report 11.x-dev documentation 8 3 years 5 months 4 years 3 months
Composer scaffold: Maybe I don't need an autoload.php? Active Normal Feature request 11.x-dev composer 7 3 years 5 months 3 years 5 months
Failed user password hashing message is confusing Needs work Normal Bug report 11.x-dev user.module 44 3 years 5 months 9 years 3 weeks
entity fields with no value can't participate in entity hooks such as preSave() Active Normal Bug report 11.x-dev field system 6 3 years 5 months 3 years 5 months
In .htaccess leave requested path in %{REQUEST_URI} Active Normal Feature request 11.x-dev base system 6 3 years 5 months 3 years 5 months
[PP-2] Replaces usages of 'administer comments' permission w/ access handler checks Postponed Normal Task 11.x-dev comment.module 7 3 years 5 months 3 years 5 months
field_read_fields() omits indexes from hook_field_schema Needs review Normal Bug report 7.x-dev field system 19 3 years 5 months 10 years 11 months
How to get comments of a node with json api? Active Normal Feature request 11.x-dev comment.module 10 3 years 5 months 3 years 10 months
Consider using more favicon sizes Active Normal Task 11.x-dev theme system 7 3 years 5 months 3 years 5 months
Security update issue Active Normal Support request 7.x-dev other 2 3 years 5 months alok1985 3 years 6 months
[D7] Enable error logging to log a backtrace string Needs review Normal Feature request 7.x-dev base system 27 3 years 5 months 7 years 8 months
Loosen composer/semver constraints to ^1 || ^3 Active Normal Task 11.x-dev base system 21 3 years 5 months 3 years 5 months
Improve contribution workflow, build, and management of JS files Active Major Task 11.x-dev javascript 12 3 years 5 months 3 years 5 months
Enable increasing max length of a text field Needs work Normal Feature request 11.x-dev field system 29 3 years 5 months 12 years 4 months
Tag ExtensionList services with extension.list Active Normal Feature request 11.x-dev extension system 6 3 years 5 months 3 years 5 months
ReferenceAccessConstraintValidator almost always checks permission Active Normal Bug report 11.x-dev field system 5 3 years 5 months 3 years 5 months
Layout Builder Destination Plugin for Migrate API Active Normal Feature request 11.x-dev migration system 11 3 years 5 months 4 years 6 months
Do we need to worry about plugin ID collisions? Active Normal Task 11.x-dev plugin system 34 3 years 5 months 11 years 3 months
[META] Support semantic versioning for extensions (modules, themes, etc) in Drupal core, and allow modules to be compatible with Drupal 8 and 9 at the same time Active Major Plan 11.x-dev extension system 52 3 years 5 months 5 years 5 months
Preview does not work if the "node add" form isn't at its canonical URL Needs work Normal Bug report 11.x-dev node system 18 3 years 5 months 5 years 9 months
Automatic Updates that require updates to contrib and custom extensions should be rejected Active Normal Plan 11.x-dev update.module 7 3 years 5 months 3 years 5 months
[PP-1] Deprecate classic node migration plugin in Drupal 9 for removal in Drupal 10 Postponed Normal Task 11.x-dev migration system 10 3 years 5 months 4 years 2 months
ThemeInstaller depends on ModuleDependencyMessageTrait which is in the system module Active Normal Bug report 11.x-dev extension system 6 3 years 5 months 3 years 5 months
Create URI for entity revision Active Normal Feature request 11.x-dev entity system 8 3 years 5 months 3 years 5 months
Performance improvement, cache in MigrateLookup plugin Needs work Normal Task 11.x-dev migration system 9 3 years 5 months 3 years 5 months
Adopt the 2020 (evergreen) Drupal logo in Drupal core Needs work Major Task 11.x-dev base system 38 3 years 5 months hestenet 3 years 11 months


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