Displaying 51 - 100 of 440
Title Status Priority Category Version Component Replies Last updatedsort ascending Assigned to Created
Add a setting to enable/disable inline editing of existing entities Needs work Normal Feature request 3.x-dev Code 24 3 months 2 weeks 6 years 6 months
Inline Entity Form affects parent entity fields in edit mode Active Major Bug report 3.0.0-rc19 Code 1 3 months 2 weeks 3 months 2 weeks
Inject content_translation.manager in InlineEntityFormBase Active Normal Task 3.x-dev Code 2 3 months 2 weeks 3 months 2 weeks
Adopt GitlabCi Patch (to be ported) Major Task 7.x-1.x-dev Code 31 3 months 2 weeks ram4nd 4 months 6 days
Hide the "Add existing [label]" button if there are none to reference Needs work Normal Feature request 3.x-dev User interface 6 3 months 2 weeks 3 months 2 weeks
Add the allow_new setting also for the simple widget Needs work Normal Feature request 3.x-dev Code 12 3 months 2 weeks 6 months 2 weeks
Make the "Add existing variation" widget pluggable Needs work Normal Feature request 3.x-dev User interface 28 3 months 2 weeks 11 years 6 months
Add tests for bundle create / edit access Active Normal Task 3.x-dev Tests 2 3 months 2 weeks 3 months 2 weeks
Prioritize 'add existing' in nested entity creation UX to prevent duplication. Needs work Major Feature request 3.x-dev User interface 38 3 months 2 weeks 8 years 2 months
Cannot update the order weight using complex form widget Needs work Normal Bug report 8.x-1.x-dev Code 14 3 months 2 weeks 5 years 2 months
Maintainership energy status survey Active Normal Task 8.x-1.x-dev Miscellaneous 12 3 months 2 weeks 5 months 1 week
Field Groups (fieldsets) not rendered Active Normal Bug report 3.x-dev Code 2 3 months 2 weeks 4 months 2 weeks
IEF should edit latest (not default) revision (like node edit form does) Needs work Normal Bug report 3.x-dev Code 22 3 months 2 weeks 2 years 11 months
IEF complex widget: Re-ordering / weight sometimes not updated Needs work Normal Bug report 3.x-dev Code 29 3 months 3 weeks 3 years 11 months
How to get parent of C, if A > B > C or A > C Active Normal Support request 3.0.0-rc17 Code 2 4 months 6 days 4 months 6 days
Clean up problematic 2.x branch Active Normal Task 8.x-1.x-dev Miscellaneous 39 4 months 2 weeks 5 months 1 week
[Inline Entity Menu Form] Save is broken Patch (to be ported) Normal Task 3.x-dev Code 13 4 months 2 weeks podarok 5 months 3 weeks
Add a FieldFormatter to display rendered menu Postponed Normal Feature request 3.x-dev Code 8 4 months 2 weeks aleevas 9 months 1 week
Inline entity form menu not working properly Postponed Normal Task 3.x-dev Code 5 4 months 2 weeks 7 months 2 weeks
Add support for the menu entity. Needs work Normal Task 3.x-dev Code 12 4 months 2 weeks 10 months 1 day
Changes are not saved for some submit buttons Needs work Normal Bug report 3.x-dev Code 25 4 months 2 weeks 7 years 5 months
Notice: Undefined index: label in modules/contrib/inline_entity_form/inline_entity_form.module on line 345 Needs review Normal Bug report 3.x-dev Code 13 4 months 2 weeks 3 years 7 months
Create/Update Labels buttons naming improvement Needs work Major Bug report 3.x-dev Code 17 4 months 2 weeks 2 years 1 month
D8: Multiple forms submit/cancel closes all child forms Needs work Normal Bug report 3.x-dev User interface 20 4 months 2 weeks 4 years 10 months
Entity form simple weight duplicates Needs review Normal Bug report 3.x-dev Code 7 4 months 2 weeks 4 years 4 months
Allow inline entity form submit handler to return the saved entity Needs review Normal Feature request 3.x-dev Code 10 4 months 2 weeks 5 years 7 months
Translated entity should be used for the table presentation in the widget Needs review Normal Bug report 3.x-dev Code 8 4 months 2 weeks 1 year 3 months
Multiple duplicated messages while validating the inline entity form Needs work Normal Bug report 3.x-dev Code 12 4 months 2 weeks oleh.tarasiuk 11 months 3 weeks
Support for configuration entities Needs work Normal Feature request 3.x-dev Code 31 4 months 2 weeks 8 years 6 months
Allow hiding fieldset and title Needs work Normal Feature request 3.x-dev User interface 15 4 months 2 weeks 5 years 2 months
Ability to reference an entity and auto open its edit form Needs work Normal Task 3.x-dev Code 12 4 months 2 weeks designesse 8 years 4 months
Error: Call to a member function id() on boolean Postponed (maintainer needs more info) Normal Bug report 3.x-dev Code 10 4 months 2 weeks 6 years 2 months
Complex Widget selects wrong bundle when multiple bundles exist but user only has access to create one. Postponed (maintainer needs more info) Major Bug report 3.x-dev Code 11 4 months 2 weeks 4 years 8 months
New API hooks to react on inline entity save/delete Needs review Normal Feature request 3.x-dev Code 14 4 months 2 weeks 3 years 2 months
Inline editing is broken on content that have workflows enabled Needs work Major Bug report 2.0.0-rc9 Code 6 4 months 2 weeks 6 months 2 days
Support Request: How to properly "re-build" the entity with a multistep form Active Normal Support request 8.x-1.0-rc15 Miscellaneous 3 4 months 3 weeks 4 months 3 weeks
Changes the sub-block of block are not saved Active Normal Task 2.0.x-dev Code 2 5 months 6 days david-b 5 months 6 days
EntityReferenceRevisions+Translation+ContentModeration in nested IEF loses Refs Needs work Normal Bug report 8.x-1.x-dev Code 36 5 months 2 weeks 3 years 1 month
Referenced node translations are not being loaded Needs review Normal Bug report 2.0.x-dev Code 6 5 months 2 weeks 5 months 2 weeks
Inline entity form not responding after validation error Active Normal Bug report 2.0.0-rc10 Code 2 5 months 2 weeks 5 months 3 weeks
D7 backport of Existing reference can not be replaced with another Active Normal Bug report 7.x-1.x-dev Code 2 5 months 2 weeks 5 months 2 weeks
Referenced node changes language if different from node with IEF complex form Needs work Major Bug report 2.0.x-dev Code 18 5 months 2 weeks 6 years 7 months
Allow hook implementations to introspect subform structure in form build phase Needs review Normal Task 8.x-1.x-dev Code 7 5 months 3 weeks geek-merlin 2 years 8 months
Respect widget collapsed property unless nested field validation fails Needs work Normal Bug report 2.0.x-dev Code 7 5 months 3 weeks 1 year 10 months
RenderArray not found in inline entity form render Needs review Normal Bug report 2.0.x-dev Code 8 5 months 3 weeks 6 months 4 weeks
TranslationHelper not working for EditorialContentEntityBase entities Postponed (maintainer needs more info) Major Bug report 2.0.0-rc9 Code 5 5 months 3 weeks 6 months 4 weeks
Entity reference translation breaks adding new parent entities in non-default languages Needs review Normal Bug report 8.x-1.x-dev Code 21 6 months 2 days 7 years 10 months
Unable to update micro-content entities via Inline Entity Form Active Normal Bug report 2.0.0-rc9 Code 3 6 months 1 week 6 months 2 weeks
Entity validator does not work with IEF Active Normal Bug report 8.x-1.0-rc15 Code 4 6 months 2 weeks 1 year 5 months
When using an entity reference View as a source, how to reliably supply a URL-derived contextual argument to the View? Active Normal Support request 8.x-1.0-rc15 User interface 1 6 months 2 weeks 6 months 2 weeks


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