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jQuery plugin handler is intended to be both an API and an UI for managing packages of javascript files. These packages, or libraries, are often called plugins. They can contain a single javascript file, or a bundle of several javascript files, sometimes accompanied by stylesheets.

Using this module libraries can be registered into Drupal's system. After registering a library, modules and themes can load these libraries using this module's API to extend their functionality.

This module also provides an user interface for managing your installed libraries. It provides an easy workflow for keeping track of installation
statuses of your javascript libraries.


  1. It provides a clear and solid structure for managing and registering plugins or javascript libraries. Registering javascript libraries can either be done by modules or by .info files in a structured directory hierarchy similar to the modules and themes structure.
  2. It provides an API which allows module developers to register and load required modules.
  3. It provides an UI in which site administrators can easily see if all javascript libraries are correctly installed.
  4. In the UI missing files can easily be recovered by either downloading the missing files or by searching for them using an autocomplete textfield.
  5. It provides versioning. Plugins can have several versions and different modules may require different versions. This module covers that.


Since there's an attempt to get a (jQuery) plugin handler into Drupal 7's core, our goal for Drupal 7 is to only provide the current user interface for jQp.

Co-maintained by skilip.

Project information
